The Great Flood: The War In Heaven - The Battle Among The Stars: The Destruction Of Ancient Civilizations 13,000 BC

The Great Flood: The War In Heaven - The Battle Among The Stars: The Destruction Of Ancient Civilizations 13,000 BC (Reprinted from The Transmitter to God, University Press, California, 2000)

The Great Flood: The War In Heaven - The Battle Among The Stars: The Destruction Of Ancient Civilizations 13,000 Bc.
Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.


According to the most ancient written records available to woman and man, a god-like people gained dominion over the Earth tens of thousands of years ago. And these titans and heroes of old built great sparkling cities and developed technologically advanced civilizations that ringed the globe.


And we are told of a war in heaven, of a battle among the stars, where the planet Venus attacked the planet Mars, and then snaked like a fiery comet through the skies and attacked the Earth, shaking the cities, destroying the kingdoms, and washing away the crowns of creation of woman and man.

"And there appeared a great wonder in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: And she being with child cried travailing in birth and pained to be delivered..."

"And there appeared another wonder in heaven: And behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his head. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth..."

"And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon: and the dragon fought and his angels. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan which deceivith the whole world: He was cast out and his angels were cast out with him..."

"And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood. And the earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out his mouth. And the dragon was wroth and went to make war..." -Revelation, 12

According to the written records of the Sumerian people, whose own civilization arose 6,000 years ago, the Cro-Magnon peoples and their great cities were destroyed by a cosmic upheaval, when the planet Venus somehow freed herself of Jupiter's grasp, and snaked through the heavens attacking Mars, and then careened close to the Earth, plunging the planet into an icy, watery darkness that was then followed by cataclysmic floods, almost 12,000 years ago.

Indeed, the ancient Sumerians, Babylonians, Hebrews, Mayas, Romans, Greeks, and plain's Indians of the Americas all report that Venus, the wrathful fertility goddess of love, brought evil, catastrophe, flood and misfortune to our planet; and she did so in the guise of the Great Serpent -also known as Satan, the Morning Star, the destroyer of Kingdoms.

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O' Lucifer son of the morning. For thou hast said in thine heart: I will ascend into heaven. I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will be like the most High..."

"How art thou fallen from heaven, O' Lucifer star of the morning. Is this the one that made the earth to tremble, that did to shake kingdoms. That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities..."

But beware and rejoice not because the rod of his that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpents root and of his fruit shall be a fiery flying dragon... " Isaiah, 14

The ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Hindus, Chinese, Greeks, Romans and the Olmecs, Mayas, Aztecs, and American Plains Indians of the Mississippi and Ohio Valley all refer to this war in heaven, with particular emphasis devoted to Venus and the great serpent. Great serpent mounds, miles in length, sometimes depicting the serpent with a planet in its mouth, dot the landscape throughout the Americas.

The Sumerian and Babylonians associated the serpent with the planet Venus, and with the god Enki, the serpent god of knowledge, wisdom, science, and the bringer of rain.

Similarly the Mayas and Aztecs associated the serpent with Venus, and with Quetzocoatl, a god whose emblem was the sign of the cross and whose temple was shaped like a serpentine planet; i.e. round with a single entrance "carved in the form of a serpent's mouth, diabolically painted with fangs and looked like the mouth of hell" (De Gorma, 1964, p. 165).

The ancient Egyptians had a similar god, the Great Serpent, Apep, who was viewed as representing cosmic evil. Apep not only threatened Earth and the other planets, but the sun god, Ra. Ra had to repeatedly battle Apep during his nightly journey through the underworld.

The Mayas and Aztecs also make reference to the flood, the serpent and its battles with the sun, referring to Venus as "she who tears out the eye of the sun" and who plunged the Earth into an icy watery darkness; an event also mentioned in the lore of the ancient Hebrews and Arabs, and which may well have been an account of a total eclipse of the sun.

The peoples of ancient Greece and Rome, tell us however, that before attacking the Earth and the sun, that Venus first broke lose from Jupiter's grip. The Sumerians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Mayans, Aztecs, tell us that she then became embroiled in a cosmic war with Mars. There ensued a series of cosmic battles in which the red planet was mortally wounded and ingloriously defeated. Venus stripped Mars of his splendid coat of arms as well as his skin (at least according to the Indians of Mexico and Central America). It was his coat and his skin that Venus dragged triumphantly in her wake as she snaked through the skies toward the Earth to engage in yet one more heavenly battle.

And what is the "coat" and "skin" of a planet? Perhaps the Martian atmosphere and seas? for it is an ocean of water that Venus is said to have deposited upon the Earth, thus causing the deluge and a massive loss of Earthly life.

It is now well established that the red planet was long ago flush with rivers, oceans, lakes and seas, maybe at recently at 10,000 years ago. At one time Mars was probably also enveloped in a oxygen and nitrogen rich atmosphere, perhaps somewhat similar to that of Earth. And then, before the Universe could take a breath, the Martian oceans and atmosphere were stripped away--possibly by a colossal, and wayward planetary body, and so too was its life... leaving behind only distant, difficult to discern shadows and perhaps forgotten memories of towering sandy pyramids and titanic stone faces that stare somberly into the abyss.

As per Venus assuming an new orbit after breaking free of Jupiter's grasp, there is now evidence to suggest that the planets Uranus and Neptune, may have long ago orbited Jupiter, as planet-sized moons. However, for reasons not well understood, these planets broke away and were flung into their current orbits.

Likewise, Venus may have long ago been a planet sized moon of Jupiter which also broke away only to speed toward Mars and Earth. If Venus, which is ten times the size of the red planet, were to sweep by Mars, gravity alone would strip Mars of her seas and atmosphere which would trail behind Venus like a comet's tail--just as our tiny moon can draw up the surface of the oceans and create tides and heavy seas. And as she snaked like a comet toward the Earth, Venus would have looked like a fire breathing serpent. And if indeed the oceans of Mars trailed in her wake, Venus would have lashed the Earth with her watery tail as the planets crossed orbits, and as she sped onward, she would have caused a temporary total eclipse of the sun which would have sent temperatures plummeting. As she was taken slave by the sun, and assumed her new orbit, and the sun again began to shine, the frozen Martian seas would have begun to melt, inundating the Earth by a second flood that could well have lasted even longer than the first. In fact, two floods are described in Genesis, one that last seven days, and yet another that lasted 40.


Sumerians, Babylonians, the ancient Jews, Greeks, and Romans, and in the Western half of the World, the ancient Mayas and Aztecs, and in the Eastern half, ancient China, all tell of an incredible catastrophe that occurred around 12,000 years ago; a cosmic calamity that took on the specter of a horrible war in heaven, a war of the worlds involving Venus--that terrible serpent--and which shook the kingdoms and destroyed the cities and destroyed the crowns of creation of woman and man --a war which was accompanied by earthquakes, volcanic activity, terrible rains, floods, then Arctic cold.

These stories are not exactly myths. The geological evidence and the historical record indicates that around 12,000 years ago temperatures dropped precipitously. The last ice age began and ended quite suddenly. This last instant ice age was initiated by a massive flood, followed by a drastic drop in temperature, followed by a rapid increase in temperatures and terrible floods--floods upon floods that would have washed away not just all signs of civilization, but the top layers of the earth itself, leaving behind only the bedrock of ancient ocean floors from half a million years ago. In fact, sea levels rose by 400 feet such that mountain tops became islands, the valley settlements down below, swallowed by oceans of water. And what was the source of the rising waters?

We also know that some momentous event resulted in the flash freezing of innumerable creatures including the woolly mammoth. Woolly mammoths and other animals, have been found frozen solid, with absolutely no sign of decay and with grass in their mouth and food in their belly--carcasses dated to 12,000 years ago. They had obviously been drenched in an avalanche of water and then flash frozen alive. As is evident from their diet and the food in their mouths, these calamitous events took place in a most inviting environment that just moments before had been warm and lush and teaming with life.

Supporting the possibility of a sudden inundation of water, is the fact that the glaciers from the last ice age were not uniformly established in the way advancing ice sheets would be expected; as if the Earth had swept through an ocean of water drifting in space, leaving some regions high and dry, and others drenched only to flash freeze.

For example, the ice sheets in India were located along the Equator and extended upward toward the Himalayas, rather than from North to South as might be expected. Conversely, the ice sheet in Africa extended from the Equator toward the South pole, which again is the opposite of what might have been expected. In fact, the Americas, Europe, parts of Africa, India and Siberia were covered, whereas the rest of Asia and everything north of Siberia, including the North Pole, was unaffected. There was almost a randomness to it. This is reminiscent of the manner in which some flu viruses spread; which, some scientists have proposed, may be due to the Earth orbiting through regions of contagion and passing through cosmic viral clouds.

However, after a period in which the Earth was tossed to and fro, this last glacial period just as suddenly ended. The melting glaciers released wave upon tidal wave of an ocean of rushing water which not only swept away all in its path, but which resulted in sea levels rising up to 400 feet, creating islands where there were once mountain tops.


12,000 to 13,000 Years ago the Earth may have been bombarded with comets and meteors. Possibly, several struck or exploded over North America, melting the Laurentide glaciers of Canada and a natural ice dam which had dammed up a giant inland sea and a thousand mile wide lake of meltwater which scientists today call Lake Agassiz.

When the glaciers and this natural ice dam melted and broke apart the huge inland sea rushed into the North Atlantic shutting down the ocean's natural heating/cooling cycle and triggering an instant ice age and an avalanche of water causing sea levels to rise as much as 400 feet, destroying the cities, the civilizations of woman and man and wiping out millions of animals and primitive human settlements including what had been described as the Clovis culture.

Meteors may have also slammed into the oceans of the Earth creating tidal waves over 3 miles high—thus destroying the cities and the civilizations of woman and man. Those striking the oceans would have sent plumes of mist and water into the air, whereas those striking the Earth would have sent up plumes of smoke and debris, thus first rising global temperatures and then sending them plummeting by blocking out the sun thus causing causing the freezing of the massive tidal flood waters. Those who weren't burnt to death, froze, or starved or were drowned.

Thus 13,000 years ago, 100s of species were driven to extinction, including the woolly mammoths who were flash frozen with grass in their mouth. In theAmericas, giant bears, giant bevers, sabertooth tigers, lions, cheetas, and wolves as big as a horse, suddenly became extinct, again, some 13,000 years ago. Only a swarm of meteors could have caused this world-wide calamity.


Plato, the ancient Greek Philosopher, twice tells a similar tale, of floods and rising seas that destroyed several ancient technologically advanced cities and civilizations, 9,000 years before his own time, almost 12,000 years ago.

And not just the Sumerians, and Plato, but the Egyptians, and the ancient Mayas of Central American, tell similar tales of ancient cities and civilizations ruled by the descendants of the gods. And paralleling the accounts of Plato and the Sumerians, the Mayas and Aztecs tell us that all was destroyed some 10,000 years before their own time, when the planet Venus attacked Mars, and then snaked through the heavens and careened close to our planet, enveloping the Earth in terrible floods.

Indeed, the oldest records and accounts passed down through history all attest of these great kingdoms and city states which were completely inundated and washed away leaving only distant memories of a long lost golden age (Hammerly-Dupuy, 1988; Kramer, 1981; Woolley, 1965); a golden age that included a land of pyramids and sphinx, west of the Garden of Eden.

The Egyptians too, speak of a Golden age that began with a Dynasty of Gods, 32,500 years ago; a dynasty that lasted almost 15,000 years, and which was replaced 17,390 years ago, when the Dynasty of the Demigods began.

According to the Egyptians, the first line of kings did not establish rule until 15,400 years ago--at about the same time that the calendars of Thebes, deemed ancient 6,000 years ago, are believed to have been first composed (Pochan, 1978). It may well have been 15,000 years ago that the great Sphinx and the three great pyramids of Giza were also first erected.


Of course, there are those who scoff at these "myths." However, the Egyptians and Sumerians were fully able to distinguish between myth and fact. The Sumerians always began their tales of the marvelous in the following way: "One upon a time..." The same is not true of Sumerian accounts of five great cities that they claim had been erected thousands of years before the flood. Likewise, the Kings lists were believed to be completely authentic by the ancient Egyptians.

According to the Sumerians, these wondrous marvelous cities included Eridu, Badtibira, Larak, Sippar, and Shuruppak--all completely washed away by the deluge. According to Plato, Atlantis and an ancient, predeluvial Athens were among the great "marvelous" cities lost beneath the rising seas.

In fact, the Sumerians divided history into two periods: "Before the flood" (Lam abubi) and "After the flood" (Arki abubi), with their own civilization, some 6,000 years ago (in what today is Iraq), belonging to the later.

According to the Sumerians these predeluvial civilizations were incredibly scientifically advanced, and were ruled by mighty kings. As stated by the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Mayas, these first kings were descendants of gods, they were men and women created in the images of the gods, a tall and noble people who erected great temples and pyramids guarded by an army of sphinx--temples and pyramids whose predeluvial perfection remained unsurpassed by those civilizations that arose after the deluge.


Although badly weathered by water erosion, a great sphinx still stands in a land called Egypt; a great sphinx which is around 13,000 (or more) years in age, and which suffered the bulk of its erosion when inundated by torrential rains and flooding (Schoch, 1992). The great sphinx was constructed thousands of years before the rise of ancient Egypt; erected by a technologically advanced predeluvial civilization.

It has also been claimed that the three pyramids of Giza were also constructed before the deluge, which in turn may explain their utter perfection versus the (comparatively) shoddy nature of those tiny copies erected beginning around 4,000 years ago by the ancient Egyptians. Although there are claims and counter claims regarding who built the three pyramids of Giza, even the ancient kings of Egypt refer to them as being quite ancient. In fact, although the grandest and oldest of them all is attributed to Khufu, Khufu indicates that the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, had been constructed long before his own time.

Some ancient Arabian historians explain that these first three Pyramids, which exceeds all other pyramids in size and perfection, were created before the great flood:

" of the kings of Egypt prior to the Great Flood, who resided in the great city of Amusus... was the builder of two of the great pyramids....Three hundred years before the Great Flood, Saurid had a dream where the Earth turned upside down with all its people, the people fled in a blind rush, and the stars fell down..."(al-Maqrizi, 1911).

According to al-Maqrizi (1911), all the kings advisors had the same dream and predicted the end of civilization. So, Saurid, the pre-deluvial King of Egypt, decided to build the pyramids in order to serve as a great museum and library where all the worlds knowledge could be preserved. Indeed, the great pyramid itself, was to be a source of knowledge and wisdom, harboring the answers to all questions regarding the cosmos and the creation.

As all who visit or who have studied these grand monuments can attest, the three pyramids are not just the oldest, grandest, largest, and architecturally superior to all those built by the ancient Egyptians, but they are completely un-Egyptian. Unlike all other Egyptian edifices the chambers and inner walls of the three great pyramids of Giza are completely barren of hieroglyphics and are lacking in any markings whatsoever.

Coupled with their incredible size and utter perfection, it is evident that they were built by a different, technologically advanced civilization.

Consider: all authorities agree that these first three giant pyramids were constructed first, well before the erection of all other Egyptian pyramids which were but stunted, lopsided, poorly constructed miniaturizations in comparison.

The base of the Great Pyramid covers 13 acres (5 hectares), and reaches a height of 480 feet (145 meters). The Great Pyramid consists of 2,300,000 stones, each weighing 21/2 tons, measuring 50 by 50 by 28 inches. It has five sides and five corners and a "pyramid inch" is one-fifth of one-fifth of a cubit--what Sir Isaac Newton called sacred and profane cubits. The north side is 755.4 feet long, the west 755.8, the east 755.9, and the south side was 756.1 feet long, indicating an incredible degree of engineering precision that was, in total no more than half a foot off from perfection. Indeed, as the Earth has shook and moved over the eons, the pyramid may well have shifted every so slightly, such that originally all sides were precisely the same.

Moreover, not just the Great Pyramid, but the sides of all three of the Pyramids of Giza are perfectly aligned to the cardinal points of the compass.

As noted, the great pyramid was said by ancient Arabic historians to contain the world's knowledge, wisdom, and the secrets of the cosmos and creation.

The area of the Great Pyramid's base divided by twice its height gives the figure 3.14159+, (pi). Pi is the constant that is multiplied by the diameter of a circle to give its circumferences. Indeed, the Great Pyramids was built in accordance with geometrical and astronomical laws to record the dimensions of the earth and the duration of the solar year.

The builders of the pyramid were well versed in astronomy and knew the relationship of the radius to its circumference. They knew the circumference of the Earth, and the distance of the center of the Earth to the poles. The ratio of the Great Pyramid's altitude to its perimeter is the same as that of the polar radius of the Earth to its circumference: 2 pi. Hence, the Great Pyramid could be used to record the movements of the stars around the heavens in relation to the earth.

In fact, as determined by Charles Piazzi Smyth, the Astronomer-Royal of Scotland, the Great Pyramid incorporates and reveals the distance of the earth from the sun when its height is multiplied by the proportion of its height to its width, that is, ten to the ninth power.

The builders of the Great Pyramid "had determined the shape of the earth which they knew to be a true circle, its size, its precise circumference, the geographical distance from the equator to the poles, the fact that the earth is flattened at the poles, degrees of latitude and longitude to within a few hundred feet, the fact that they were shorter at the equator and longer at the poles, and the exact distance of the Earth from the sun. They had designed the pyramid's base to correspond to the distance the earth rotates in half a second" (Funrneaux, 1987, p 17).

Werner von Siemens, founder of Siemens' Electric, scaled the summit of the Great Pyramid in 1859, and stuck his finger up into the air. As he assumed a triumphant pose, a crack of electricity rang out and he received an electric shock. Later when he brought along a Leyden jar, which stores static electricity, it not only became charged, but generated sparks.


"There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that...mighty men, men of renown. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually." -Genesis 6:4,5.

It is noteworthy that the Bible tell us that the "giants" were "in the earth" and that wickedness was great "in the earth." Could "in the earth" be a reference to the Cro-Magnon underground Cathedrals?

We are also told that the Lord God considered the use of one's imagination and the acquisition of knowledge to be evil. "Every imagination of the thought of his heart was evil."

The Lord Gods first commandment is thou shalt not know:

"But of the tree of knowledge, of good and evil, thou shalt not eat, for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shall surely die." -Genesis 2:17.

But woman and man did eat of the tree of knowledge; they exercised their imagination; they were incredibly intelligent, creative, and beautiful; the daughters of man had sex with the sons of god; and the people began to worship female gods, and they built great towering, marvelous cities. However, according to Plato, some of these cities began to wage war.

"And the Lord said, I shall destroy man... Behold, I bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh...I will cause it to rain upon the earth... and every living thing I will destroy from off the face of the earth... And all in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died." -Genesis, 6:7.

The accuracy of these ancient stories are also supported not just by the geological record but ancient records, including those compiled by the Sumerians, Babylonians, Greeks, Mayas and Aztecs. Peoples throughout the world, across divergent and distant cultures all speak in hushed and somber tones about the Great Flood (e.g. Dundes, 1988). This cataclysmic event was so momentous in the history of woman and man that it is detailed by the Greeks, the Mayas and Aztecs, as well as in Genesis and the even more ancient records of the Babylonians and Sumerians (Horcasitas, 1988; Kramer, 1981; Woolley, 1965).


Plato wrote two "dialogues" Timaeus and Critias, around 355 B.C. Critias, a historian explains, that thre were two great and "wondrous" cities, one of which was located on the continent of Atlantis, far beyond the Pillars of Hercules. The other was ancient Athens, a city of the gods, that had been established over 9,000 years before Plato's time.

Atlantis, Plato explained, was "a great and marvelous power" that extended its reach through much of the world. However, as their power and technology grew, the people of Atlantis began "arrogantly" seeking control over the world and became embroiled in a terrible world wide war with Athens with much suffering and loss of life.

"The Lord saw how great was man's wickedness... The Earth was filled with violence." -Genesis 6:11.

And this global war came to a violent, earthquaking end, when the floods swallowed up Atlantis and the armies of Athens, and the continent of Atlantis sank beneath the rising seas.

"All the fountains of the the great deep burst apart, all the floodgates of the sky broke open." -Genesis 7:11

Plato insisted throughout Critias, that the story of Atlantis and Athens was not made up but was "genuine history" and "from the realm of fact"." Plato provided considerable ceremonial, engineering, and architectural detail regarding ancient Atlantis, including descriptions of the great harbor, the stadium, the lavish bathrooms, and the ritual sacrifice of the bulls. The capital city of Atlantis, he tells us, was 300 miles across and the continent was divided into ten kingdoms.

Moreover, Plato insists there were other "marvelous" cities and nation states that existed before the flood, including ancient Athens; marvelous cities that rose and fell over 9,000 years before his own time. According to Plato, the goddess of wisdom, Athena, established the city Athens where lived "men of the greatest wisdom." But like Atlantis, the great city was destroyed by the terrible floods.


In 1864, armed with the key to the complex Mayan alphabet, the French Scholar and cleric, Charles-Etienne Breasseur de Bourbourg, began translating the few Mayan manuscripts which had survived destruction by the 16th century Spanish conquistadors. One manuscript told of an ancient land of wise men and women that sank beneath the ocean following a cosmic catastrophe associated with Venus, the bringer of rain.

This ancient continent and city, Charles-Etienne Breasseur de Bourbourg decided, was somehow associated with the mysterious letters: m and u which repeatedly appeared in the manuscript. Hence, he named the lost continent, Mu.

According to Mayan accounts, just prior to the deluge, strife had broken out in the land of Mu between two brothers and their armies. The great civilization and city was at war when Venus struck, sending all beneath the waves of the rising seas.

Like Atlantis, Mu was located in the Atlantic, on a large island, and consisted of 10 separate kingdoms. And, both Atlantis and Mu sunk beneath the waves more than 10,000 years ago.

The Mu and the Atlantians may well have been one and the same; children of the gods, so say the ancients, the survivors seeking safety in distant lands, when their own homes and cities sank beneath the waves.

And yet, even those who survived did not escape this cosmic wrath. The Lord God vowed to hunt down and destroy the children of the gods. He would create an army of his own "godly offspring" to cleanse the lands of the last of the Cro-Magnon, the Anakites, the Nephilim, and would someday completely destroy the last of their cities and their gods.

Copyright: 2006, 2000, 2010, 2018 - Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.