This lawsuit, claims, causes of action, demands for declarative, injunctive, legislative relief
address issues of national importance: widespread corruption in the Federal Judiciary and at NASA which in the U.S. Congress is known as "Never A Straight Answer."
(1) As documented in this complaint (PART II): Bribery, case fixing, multi-judge bribery rings,
pathological lying, conspiring to fake or destroy evidence, drug and alcohol abuse, and sexual extortion
of women and children with cases before the Court, are so common among Judges they gave themselves
"absolute immunity" and the right to commit vicious crimes and violate the Constitutional rights of U.S.
citizens and this Plaintiff: "Absolute immunity covers even conduct which is corrupt, malicious or
intended to do injury" (Foust v. Hughes, 21 N.C. App. 268, 204 S.E.2d 230, 285 N.C. 589, 205 S.E.2d 722 (1974);
Prosser, supra. Jacobs v. Sherard, 36 N.C. App. 60, 64 (N.C. Ct. App. 1978) State ex rel. Jacobs v. Sherard, 36 N.C. App. 60,
64, 243 S.E.2d 184, 188, disc. review denied, 295 N.C. 466, 246 S.E.2d 12 (1978). The Federal Judiciary in its entirety
is a rackeetering criminal organization (RICO); and Supreme Court Chief Roberts is the rackeetering boss
who leads by example and whose wife Jane Roberts has received over $10 million from defendants and
plaintiffs with cases before his Supreme Court (Justice John Roberts’ Wife Made Over $10 Million As Legal
Consultant, Forbes 4/28/23; John Roberts’s Wife’s Shady Financial Dealings; The New Republic, 4/28/23).
(2) It is an established fact that thousands of Judges commit serious crimes yearly and remain on
the bench (See PART II). And, up to 1000 Federal Judges each year are accused of serious crimes which
are covered up by Chief Judges who dismiss 99.9% of all complaints (Supreme Court Breyer’s
commission); and Plaintiff and all U.S. Citizens are victims of these Judicial crimes and frauds.
(3) Corruption is a prerequisite for becoming a Judge who are selected by special interests to
serve special interests; with men and women even paying bribes to be selected for judgeship (PART II).
(4) In the present case, Defendants conspired to commit fraud against the Court FRCP 60(d)(3)
and violate this Plaintiff 1st, 5th, and 14th Amendment rights and the rights of all U.S. citizens.
(5) NASA has a policy, based on religious dogma, of slandering, denying, discrediting all
evidence of extraterrestrial life, including algae in meteors and on the surface of Mars (PART IV); and
(6) This Plaintiff--with over 900,000 readers at Researchgate--and leading international teams of
scientists--has published three dozen scientific studies and hundreds of authenticated NASA photos
downloaded from NASA websites, documenting that algae, bacteria, fungus are growing on Mars; and
(7) NASA (PART IV) and Springer-Nature (SN) launched a defamatory campaign to destroy
Plaintiff’s reputation, discredit his discoveries, violated Plaintiff’s copyright, and printed defamatory
statements on one of his most famous articles. Plaintiff filed suit. Because they had no defense, SN
created an obviously fake contract they admitted was fake and did not have Plaintiff's signature, but SN
claimed it gave SN the right to steal and print defamatory statements on Plaintiff's work; and then SN
bribed judges in the Southern Federal District of NY and the 2nd Circuit (as SN acknowledged and did
not deny); i.e. Cronan, Cabranes, Lohier, Jr., and Lee, who ruled it a valid contract. This criminal
conspiracy was openly joined by NASA (Nelson), Kornreich, and Vyskocil who dismissed the case and
signed an affidavit admitting the case was fixed, and then Bragg and Garland joined the conspiracy and
whose offices refused to investigate Plaintiff’s criminal complaint and covered up these crimes. These
Defendants committed Fraud Against the Court (PART IV) and are liable per RICO.
(8) Judges of the 9th Circuit enjoy watching men having sex with animals and the rape of women
dressed as animals (Chief Judge Alex Kozinski), advocate the torture of prisoners (Jay Bybee, whom the
NY Times demanded be impeached for corruption), enabled a convicted felon to become a Federal Judge
on California’s Northern Federal District (Aguilar); and judges of these two courts (Koh, Cousins, Illman,
Orrick, DeMarchi, Thomas, Murguia, Wallace, O'scannlain, Fernandez) are members of an alleged
multi-judge bribery ring who conspired with "extortionists" and "predators" denounced by San Jose
government leaders; encouraged the predators to retaliate against Plaintiff for filing suit and for refusing
to pay bribes for protection, and violated this Plaintiff's Constitutional rights and enabled these predators
to continue victimizing citizens and Plaintiff. These Defendants which include Pitts, and City of San Jose,
are members of a rackeetering criminal organization, RE: RICO; who committed Civil Torts, etc.
(9) The majority of Federal Judges believe the average American, and anyone without a lawyer,
are 'trash" not deserving of their Constitutional rights, and routinely dismiss these Plaintiffs' complaints,
regardless of the merits, without reading the complaint (PART II) and Plaintiff and other citizens have
been victimized by this illegal policy of the judiciary which is liable RE: RICO, Civil Torts, etc.
(10) Six Supreme Court Judges: (A) stripped Federal Agencies that protect our food, water,
environment of decision-making authority and gave that power to judges and “friends of the Court:”
those who poison our environment. This violates the Public Trust Doctrine which gives Plaintiff standing
And (B) committed treason by granting any President “absolute immunity” and Hitler-like fascist
powers and the right to order the military to overthrow the government and violate the constitutional
rights of citizens (PART II); actions which will harm and gives Plaintiff (and other citizens) standing.
(11) The President can end this rain of judicial corruption, as authorized by the 14th Amendment,
1866 Civil Rights Act, 1870 & 1871 Second & Third Enforcement Acts, Tenure of Office Act, and U.S.
Supreme Court 1866 Milligan ruling, which gives the President the legal right to suspend habeas corpus
and order the military to arrest and imprison all judges who violate the Constitution, advocate sedition,
treason, or violate the Constitutional rights of citizens (PART III); and
(12) This lawsuit (PART V) includes legislative proposals for (A) policing, arresting, and
imprisoning Federal judges who are "corrupt" "malicious" and cause "injury"; and (B) the establishment
of departments of “Judicial-Crimes Internal Affairs” staffed by seasoned prosecutors with a mandate
to investigate, arrest, and prosecute judges who violate the law; and (C) replacing Judges with “artificial
intelligence” interfaces that analyze and rule on the pleadings of defendants and plaintiffs.