When Religion Masquerades As Science Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.
In 1927 Monsignor Georges Lemaître, a high ranking Catholic Priest, published what became known as the theory of the big bang. It was titled "A homogeneous Universe of constant mass and growing radius accounting for the radial velocity of extragalactic nebulae."
Lemaître designed and based his big bang theory on the Biblical story of Genesis. Lemaître hoped to make the Bible scientific and in accord with testable observations. The universe, he said, was created by a creator, as detailed in Genesis, chapter 1:
"In the beginning God created the heavens...And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness."
Lemaître initially called his theory the 'hypothesis of the primeval atom" and described it as "the Cosmic Egg exploding at the moment of the creation."
Lemaître theory is now popularly known as the "Big Bang" a term sarcastically coined by Sir Fred Hoyle who dismissed Lemaître's ideas as ridiculous. Hoyle was not alone. Einstein rejected Lemaître to his face, saying that not all mathematics leads to correct theories and that "your physics is abominable" and your conclusions unjustifiable.
The denounciation by Einstein should have been a death sentence. Monsignor Lemaître claimed to have based his theory on Einstein's theory of general relativity.
Lemaître's relativistic cosmology was based on the belief that the universe was created from a "primeval atom" and that the radius of the universe increased over time. Lemaître derivation antedated Hubble's formulation by two years. Even so, it became known as Hubble's law and provided the numerical value of the Hubble constant. Lemaître also proposed that the expansion of the universe explains the redshift of galaxies following the "creation."
Lemaître's predictions, however, were not born out by observation and Einstein continued to complain that Lemaître's understanding of physics was "abominable"
Lemaître's physics, as Lemaître admitted, had a spiritual foundation. Monsignor Lemaître firmly believed that Jesus Christ was God, and that God created the universe, as dictated by Catholic Church dogma and as described in the Bible. Lemaître was in fact an honorary prelate with the rank of Bishop in the Catholic Church, a professor at the Catholic University of Leuven and president of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences which is under the direction and authority of the Pope of the Catholic Church. Lemaître's "big bang" theory was in complete accordance with the teachings of the Church and was supported by the Pope and backed by the authority of the Bible:
The Universe was created. God created the Universe. A universe which is created, has a creator who becomes the creator at the moment of creation, just as a carpenter or a builder becomes a carpenter or a builder at the moment he first builds something. Thus we are told that god existed before the creation, and it was only at the moment of creation, that god became "god the creator." Hence, the "creation-event" which gave rise to the universe required a creator, an all powerful omnipotent Lord God who existed prior to and is responsible for the creation event; exactly as described in the Bible.
By contrast an eternal, infinite universe, has no creator and renders the concept of god irrelevant and useless. The infinite, eternal universe precludes god, does not require god, and is completely incompatible with the creator god worshipped by Jews, Muslims, and Christians. There is no need or justification for religion, or a belief in a creator god, if the universe is infinite and eternal. In an eternal universe god becomes a creation of man, rather than the creator of man and the universe.
Lemaître believed it his duty as a Christian, Catholic, and soldier of Jesus Christ, to defend his religion against the inherently atheistic doctrine of an infinite, eternal universe. Thus, Lemaître used math and a flawed understanding of physics to make his religion scientific. The theory of the "big bang" is in fact, religion masquerading as science, it is the Biblical story of Genesis, dressed up in the language of science.
Subsequently, the theory of the Big Bang has failed every major test. However, as the theory has the backing of the Church and has captured the imagination of the Jewish-Christian scientific and media establishment, these failures are ignored or they are covered up with a patchwork of theoretical appendages such that failure retroactively becomes success.
Religion is a powerful and pervasive sociological and cultural force, influencing scientists, teachers, parents, children, the media, and even the most liberal and progressive of thinkers. Moreover, the nature of the human brain and mind requires beginnings and endings and cannot comprehend what it cannot comprehend. In consequence, religious beliefs and faith in supernatural forces, including "endings and beginnings" are repackaged in the language of science, often with the covert backing of the Catholic Church and the Jewish-Christian establishment.
Thus the "big bang" is fraudulently promoted as accepted fact by the scientific, political, and media establishment, as it supports their religious beliefs and the Jewish-Christian Bible. Nevertheless, this theory was not only rejected by Einstein, but is refuted by overwhelming scientific evidence.
For example, the big bang theory predicts that the universe is about 8 billion years old, which is 5 billion years younger than our own Milky Way Galaxy. Also, according to prediction, there should be no stars or galaxies more than 8 billion light years from Earth. And yet, there are stars and more stars as far as the Hubble eye can see; old and fully formed galaxies which are not newly created as predicted by theory, but over 13 billion years in age and so incredibly distant that Astronomers and NASA refused to continue looking as the very existence of these stellar objects completely refutes the big bang. Moreover, predications based on the Big Bang can account for less than 20% of the mass and density of the known, observable universe. Nor can this theory explain the discordant data on red shifts, galaxy distribution, colliding galaxies, the abundance of helium, and why the movement of galaxies appears to be speeding up, and so on.
To bridge the fatal discrepancies between observation and theory, and to account for acceleration, the greater than predicted gravitational influences, the missing 80% of the universe, and so on, the acolytes of this religion invent multiple universes, alternate realities, and hypothetical, invisible, undetectable substances, and supernatural constructs such as "inflation," "dark energy" and "dark matter." And yet, although proposed as a patchwork fix, to paper over the increasing number of holes in this theory, these constructs actually refute the big bang and support instead the theory of the eternal, infinite universe.
Inflation, for example, requires a density at least 20 times larger than that predicted by big bang nucleosynthesis, the theory's explanation of the origin of the light elements. That density, like the missing matter, excessive gravity, expansion, the clumping of galaxies, the age of distant stars, etc., can be accounted for not by a big bang, but a infinite universe.
Not a single quantitative prediction made by the big bang theory has been validated by observation. Instead, the proponents of this religion engage in what is little more than card tricks and "slight of hand," where instead of dealing from the bottom of the deck, they insert and slip in new theoretical constructs and an increasing array of layer after layer of flexible fluctuating parameters that can be adjusted retrospectively willy nilly and after the fact to explain away discrepant observations and to support a failed theory.
We have seen this before with yet another failed theory enforced by the Catholic Church and the scientific establishment; i.e. the Earth-centered solar system of Ptolemy. As Ptolemy's theory failed to make accurate predictions and was refuted by accumulating evidence, layer upon layer of epicycles with planets and the sun orbiting in every conceivable direction were proposed to explain away these discrepancies. According to the Church and the scientific establishment, god put the Earth at the center of the solar system and the universe, and claims to the otherwise constitute heresy.
The theory of the "Big Bang" like the Earth-centered solar system, is religion masquerading as science, and is based on a "culture of faith" which can admit to no error and can broker no doubt or dissenting views. Doubt and dissent are not tolerated by the guardians of the faith. To oppose the big bang is heresy.
Therefore, even though it is refuted by overwhelming scientific evidence Lemaître's theory of the Big Bang has become accepted dogma, primarily because it is backed by the Jewish-Christian scientific establishment, and provides a scientific basis for their Bible.
"The question of 'the beginning' is as inescapable for cosmologists as it is for theologians...there is no doubt that a parallel exists between the big bang as an event and the Christian notion of creation from nothing." -George Smoot, 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics for discoveries related to the cosmic background radiation / big bang
"the universe was created out of nothing...and one which has an underlying, one might say 'supernatural' plan." -Arno Penzias Nobel Prize for Physics in 1978 for discovery of the cosmic background radiation of the 'big bang."
"It would be very difficult to explain why the universe should have begun in just this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us." -Stephen Hawkins, a Brief History of Time
"The essential element in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis is the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly, at a finite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy... is one of the main supports of the scientific story of Genesis." -Robert Jastrow, Astronomer, First chairman of NASA's Lunar Exploration Committee
Because it is based on religion, the magical, supernatural theory of the big bang has been deified, and it is not to be questioned or criticized on pain of excommunication by the scientific establishment. However, it is the proponents of this theory who are the true heretics for they are guilty of the biggest fraud in the history of science.
True science requires that a theory make accurate predictions and be constantly tested against observation. As detailed in Part 2, the theory of the big bang has failed this test. The evidence favors an eternal, infinite universe.
Be it "nothingness" "pure energy" or all the mass of the universe bound in a totality of singularity, the foundations of the big bang theory completely collapse when we ask a single question: Why did it explode? Also: Why then and not before? From where did this pre-big bang energy/mass originate? Is not the mass of a universe compacted to atom size still a universe? If all mass/energy existed before the big bang and we know not why it exploded, the theory has no basis and must be rejected.
The all-pervasive, but relatively cool cosmic background is described as evidence for expansion and the big bang which had to be very hot. Because it has cooled, therefore, the radiation is exchanging and transfering heat as the universe expands, with something very cold outside of the universe, for where else would this "cold" come from? Wouldn't this outside become warmer, for where did the heat go? Yet, we are also told, there is no "outside" for this refutes the big bang expansion theories.
The background radiation supports the big bang only if we suspend the laws of physics. The cosmic radiation permeating the universe (supposedly created by a superhot big bang), could have cooled only if it exchanged heat with something cold that was NOT created by a hot big bang, and only if this cold-something exists outside the known universe which is permeated by this radiation (a circle inside a circle). Conclusion: there was no big bang. The "known universe" is a fragment of the whole.
The logic of "cooling" after a "big bang" defies the laws of physics & the 1st & 2nd Laws of Thermodynamics.
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