1. Frontal forceps 2. Corpus callosum commissural fibers 3. Short arcuate fibers 4. Occipital forceps 5. Indusium griseum 6. Medial longitudinal stria 7. Lateral longitudinal stria |
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1. Cingulum 2. Short arcuate fibers 3. Projection and commissural fibers 4. Forceps major or occipital forceps 5. Corpus callosum 6. Septum pellucidum 7. Column of fornix 8. Tela choroidea of 3rd ventricule 9. Suprapineal recess 10. Interthalamic adhesion 11. Anterior (rostral) commissure 12. Hypothalamic sulcus 13. Optic recess 14. Infundibuiar recess 15. Mamillary body 16. Uncus |
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1. Corona radiata 2. Head of caudate nucleus 3. Body of caudate nucleus 4. Tail of caudate nucleus 5. Anterior thalamic peduncle 6. Stria terminalis 7. Anterior nuclear group of thalamus 8. Dorsal lateral thalamic nucleus 9. Stria medullaris thalami 10. Habenular nucleus 11. Pulvinar 12. Mamillothalamic fasciculus 13. Anterior (rostral) commissure 14. Column of fornix 15. Hypothalamic nuclei 16. Substantia nigra 17. Red nucleus 18. Habenulo-interpeduncular tract 19. Temporal pole 20. Optic tract 21. Mamillary body 22. Interpeduncular nucleus 23. Medial lemniscus 24. Median section of pons 25. Lower lip of parieto-occipital sulcus 26. Cuneus 27. Calcarine sulcus |
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1. Corona radiata 2. Anterior thalamic peduncle 3. Superior thalamic peduncle 4. Posterior thalamic peduncle 5. Sagittal stratum 6. Inferior (caudal) thalamic peduncle 7. Anterior thalamic nuclear group 8. Pineal body 9. Medial thalamic nucleus 10. Stria medullaris thalami 11. Habenular trigone 12. Posterior (epithalamic) commissure 13. Anterior (rostral) commissure 14. Thalamus (cut surface) 15. Mamillary body 16. Tuber cinereum 17. Optic chiasma |
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1. Corona radiata 2. Forceps major 3. Radiation of corpus callosum 4. Corticostriate fibers 5. Superior thalamic peduncle 6. Splenium of corpus callosum 7. Body of caudate nucleus 8. Anterior thalamic peduncle 9. Anterior thalamic nuclear group 10. Corticorubral tract 11. Corticohypothalamic tract 12. Tectum of midbrain 13. Mesencephalic (cerebral) aqueduct 14. Red nucleus 15. Subthalamic nucleus 16. Corticonigral tract 17. Anterior (rostral) commissure 18. Medial lemniscus 19. Substantia nigra 20. Basis pedunculi 21. Optic tract 22. Sagittal section of pons |
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1. Corona radiata 2. Sagittal stratum 3. Head of caudate nucleus 4. Body of caudate nucleus 5. Tail of caudate nucleus 6. Connecting piece between lentiform nucleus and taiI of caudate nucleus 7. Amygdaloid body 8. Anterior commissure 9. Stria terminalis 10. Internal capsule 11. Cut surface of basis pedunculi |
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1. Corona radiata 2. Anterior thalamic radiation 3. Internal capsule 4. Anterior commissure 5. Optic tract 6. Basis pedunculi 7. Longitudinal pontine fibers (corticospinal and corticonuclear tracts) 8. Pyramidal tract of medulla oblongata 9. Hilus of olivary nucleus 10. Olivary nucleus |
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1. Short arcuate bundles. 2. Superior longitudinal fasciculus. 3. External capsule. 4. Inferior occipitofrontal fasciculus. 5. Uncinate fasciculus. 6. Sagittal stratum. 7. Inferior longitudinal fasciculus. |
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1. Corona radiata. 2. Corpus callosum. 3. Head of caudate nucleus. 4. Body of caudate nucleus. 5. Tail of caudate nucleus. 6. "Foot" of lentiform nucleus. 7. Amygdaloid nuclear complex. 8. Optic tract. 9. Putamen. 10. Bridges of gray matter between putamen and caudate nucleus. 11. Pulvinar of thalamus. 12. Bulb of occipital horn of lateral ventricle. 13. Calcar avis. 14. Collateral trigone. 15. Collateral eminence. 16. Hippocampus. 17. Inferior longitudinal fasciculus. 18. Short arcuate fibers. |
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1. Short gyri of insula 2. Circular sulcus of insula 3. Long gyrus of insula 4. Central sulcus of insula 5. Superior colliculus 6. Inferior colliculus 7. Brachium of inferior colliculus 8. Superior cerebellar peduncle 9. Lemniscal trigone 10. Basis pedunculi 11. Oculomotor nerve 12. Optic nerve 13. Middle cerebellar peduncle 14. Trigeminal nerve 15. Inferior cerebellar peduncle 16. Olive 17. Pyramid of medulla oblongata 18. Circumolivary bundle |
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