Rhawn Gabriel Joseph, Ph.D.
Most calendars are based on astronomical, cosmic events, including the phases of the moon, the Earth's orbit around the sun, and the rotation of the 12 constellations. Calendars are linked to the cosmos and serve to predict the future, when to plant and harvest the crops, the coming of winter and summer, when leaves and rains will fall. Most calendars are based on rotating cycles, dates repeating themselves, and not just dates, but anniversaries, birthdays, and when to celebrate or lament historical events. Calendars also serve to regulate human behavior, to plan and predict the future, and the best predictor of the future is the past.
The Mayan and Aztec calanders were based on the solar year of 365 days, another on a 260 days year and the orbit of Venus. Yet another was called the long count, and was used to compute and calculate cosmic events which occurred hundreds, thousands, and even millions of years before, and to predict when similar events would happen again.
Mayan scientists learned to chart the heavens, visualize eternity, and to count in millions. Over a thousand years ago, the Mayans calculated the solar year at 365.2420 days (Coe, 2001; Thompson, 1993, Wright, 2011), which is remarkably close to the modern "scientific" figure of 365.2422: the exact length of a solar year. Likewise, the Mayas calculated that it took the moon 29.528395 days to orbit Earth--a figure nearly identical to that given by modern scientific instruments: 29.530588 days.
They also discovered the concept of zero, or nothing (Coe, 2001) and believed in the concept of infinity, as did the Hindu and Aryan sages of ancient India. They erected great pyramids, astronomical observatories to chart the stars, they speculated about death and the afterlife as related to the planets and the cosmos, and conducted complex mathematical rituals, and employed a variety of mind bending hallucinogenic substances to expand their consciousness and open their minds.
The Mayas may have even determined the orbit of our solar system around the Milky Way galaxy which in turn may have been depicted or conceptualized as the god, Quetzocoatl, or a cosmic serpent. Mathematical equations, calculations and predictions decorated public buildings, monuments, pyramids and temples. Some scholars believe, the Mayan priesthood worshipped math and the concept of time.
As summed up by Thompson (1993) "In the Maya scheme the road over which time had marched stretched into a past so distant that the mind of man cannot comprehend its remoteness. On a stela at Quiriga in Guatemala a date over 90 million years ago is computed; on another a date over 300 million years ago is given. These are actual computations, stating correctly the day and month positions, and are comparable to calculations in our calendar giving the month positions on which Easter would have fallen at equivalent distances in the past. The brain reels at such astronomical figures."

FIGURE: Milky Way galaxy

FIGURE: Quetzalcoatl Maya Galaxy

FIGURE: MilkyWay

FIGURE: Key of life representing the sign of the cross, and coiled around are the stars of the milky way galaxy.

FIGURE: FIGURE: Milky Way Galaxy, viewed from Earth, with some of the constellations depicted. (Below) Ancient Egypt: Osiris attended by the Gemini twins, and above: the Milky Way galaxy, and 12 constellations of the zodiac represented by snakes.


Mayan Quetzalcoatl

Milky Way galaxy
The Mayan astronomer priests of ancient Mexico and Central America, also determined the synodical revolution of Venus, i.e. 584 days, which is the time it takes Venus to return to a specific point in the heavens as viewed from the Earth. Like the medieval Catholic Church, the Mayas (as well as the Aztecs) associated Venus (the Morning Star) with the Great Serpent.
The Mayas recognized that the figure of 584 was just a very close approximation, because the movements of Venus and Earth are not completely regular. The Mayans thus arrived at an "average" synodical period of 583.92 days (Thompson, 1993)--a figure nearly identical to modern estimates.
The Mayan/ Aztec calendar predict not just the coming of the seasons and the days of the week, but when the hands of the cosmic clock would shift and the rising sun would appear in a new constellation, thus signifying the coming of a new age every 2,160 years.
The Milky Way galaxy can be viewed in the darkness of night, edge-on, snaking in a curving arc, forming part of a circle. Through careful observation, the ancient priest-scientists deduced the existence of a circular galaxy, of which Earth, and the constellations circled round, or which circled round forming a cosmic clock.
The Cosmic Clock and the Equinox
The priests were scientists, mathematicians, and astronomers who believed by studying the movements of the stars and cyclic cosmic events, that they could scientifically predict what would occur in the future, as based on what has transpired in the past (Coe, 2001; Nigel, 1990; Thompson, 1993).
According to the Mayan/Aztec Calendars, cosmic cycles and each new age are linked to a cosmic clock, with the ticking of the hands, marked by the sun, as it rises in a different house of the 12 constellations on the equinox and solstice every 2,160 years; a precessional calendar that, in total, is 25,776 years in duration. In the year 2012, the cosmic clock, and the rising sun, marked the beginning of a new age ruled by Leo and Aquarius and the death of the previous age which was governed by Pieces and Virgo for the previous 2,160 years.
According to the Mayan and Aztec calendars, the clock has come not full circle, but half circle, for 13,000 years ago the cosmic clock marked time by the rising sun in the constellations of Leo on the day of the on Spring Equinox and Aquarius on the Autumn equinox. Twenty six thousand years ago, the cosmic clock marked Aquarius on the day of the Spring Equinox and Leo on the Autumn equinox as is the case since 2012, having come full circle.
The Mayan priests devised a calendar which included a "sacred year," the tzolkin of 260 days, and which was separated into 13 months of 20 days each. As we shall see "13" is a precessional number related to the cyclic movement of the cosmic clock and the onset of new ages and the ending of old ages. In addition, they devised a calendar based on the "Long Count" which incorporated their beliefs about the future and the past (Wright, 1991).
This Long Count Calendar was in turn based upon the even more ancient bar-and-dot calendar devised by the Olmecs. The Olmecs bar-and-dot calendar--with a current starting date of 8/13/3113 B.C. (4 Ahau 8 Cumku)--predicts that the onset of the new age of Aquarius and the the next great cosmic cycle began on December 23, 2012 (4 Ahau 3 Kankin). 2012 is also the date given by the Mayan and Aztec calendars for the onset of the new age and the ending of the last age.

Apep Egyptian Milky Way Galaxy

Milky Way Galaxy

Aztec Quetzalcoatl / Milky Way Galaxy
The Pyramids of Kukulkan
Kukulkan, the "feathered Serpent (also known as Quetzalcoatl by the Aztecs) was the Great God of the Maya--a god that coiled through the cosmos according to specific cycles and whose movements and coming and goings coincided with cosmic rebirth, and destruction. The Mayas, in honor of their god, and to track and record his movement through the cosmos, erected an observatory, the Temple of Kuklukan, located in Chinchen Itza, in northern Yucantan, Mexico.
The Temple of Kuklukan, towers nearly 100 feet, and forms a perfect four sided ziggurat, a pyramid, with four stairways with 91 steps each. Coupled with the last step, the threshold to the top platform, the total steps come to 365 which corresponds with the number of days in a solar year.
The Temple of Kuklukan, was constructed with astronomical-geometric precision. The northern staircase was also designed to react to the sun, twice a year, by giving rise to the illusion of a giant serpent undulating across the steps. The illusion of a slithering snake lasts for a period of 3 hours and 22 minutes on the day of the spring and autumn equinoxes.

Figure: Kuklukan

Figure: Teotihuacan
The Pyramids of Teotihuacan
Like the 3 great pyramids of Egypt, the pyramids of Teotihuacan appear to serve as a terrestrial map of the heavens. Teotihuacan is notable not only for its Pyramid of the Sun, but for its Pyramid of the Moon, the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, and the "Citadel," all of which form an axis referred to as the "Street of the Dead." The orientation of the "axis" however is slightly off center. The "Street of the Dead" is inclined 15 degrees by 30 degress east of north. The design is believed to have been purposeful and based on astronomical alignments which form a map of the heavens (Harleston, 1974; Nigel, 1990, Thompkins, 1987), "the sky-world where dwelt the deities and spirits of the dead" (Thompkins, 1987).
It has also been determined that Teotihuacan may have been designed to serve as a scale model of the solar system, with the center line of the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl representing the position of the sun, with the temples and pyramids of the "Street of the Dead" denoting the precise orbital distances of the outer planets, i.e. Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, and the asteroid belt (Thompkins, 1987).
What is even more striking is that Uranus was not "discovered" by Western scientists until 1787, Neptune in 1846, and Pluto in 1930. The "Street of the Dead" and its temples and pyramids appear to be at least 2000 years old (Nigel, 1990). How did the ancients discover the presence of the outer stars? In the same manner as modern astronomers: Through mathematical calculations.
The city of Teotihuacan was a center of scientific study. It was believed by the "place of the gods" where the gods would gather. This included the god Huehueteotl--the god who gave life its beginning and who formed the first woman and man--humans who were also part god (Nigel, 1990). However, the gods were associated with the cosmos, the Milky Way galaxy, and the stars and planets.
The Pyramids of Giza and the Belt Stars of Osiris
The three great Egyptian pyramids of Giza appear to have been constructed to form a terrestrial map of the heavens, specifically, the three belt stars of the constellation of Orion and thus the house of Osiris. The three great pyramids are oriented closely together, and although the four corners of each pyramid point due East, West, North and South are oriented along an axis which mimics the three belt stars of Orion (Bauval, 1994).

As pointed out in 1994 by Robert Bauval, a Belgian construction engineer, the three pyramids of Giza, are aligned in the exact orientation and interrelationship of the three belt stars. Like (the lower) two of the three pyramids (Khufu, Khafre), the lower two belt stars, Al Nitak and Al Nilam, form a perfect diagonal. However, like the upper pyramid (Menkaure), the third, upper star, Mintaka, is offset slightly to the East.
According to Bauval: "It is really quite obvious that all these monuments were laid out according to a unified plan that was modeled with extraordinary precision on those three stars. What they did at Giza was to build Orion's Belt on the ground."
Specifically, when mapped against the Orion Constellation, it is apparent that the Great Pyramid of Khufu occupies the same position as Al Nitak, whereas the Pyramid of Khafre occupies the same position as Al Nilam, whereas the Pyramid of Menkaure occupies the position of Mintaka-- moreover, it has been argued that their position most closely matches the belt stars 12,500 years ago: on the same date that Orion's Belt was at its lowest altitude in the precessional cycle. The figure of 12,500 years ago also corresponds to a date which marks the point at which the 3 belt stars began their upward cycle.
"At 10,450 BC--and at that date only--we find that the pattern of the pyramids on the ground provides a perfect reflection of the pattern of the stars in the sky. I mean it's a perfect match-- faultless-- and it cannot be an accident" (Bauval, 1994) The three pyramids of Giza not only serves as a terrestrial map of the Orion Constellation, but by their differences in size, also reflect the different magnitudes of these three belt stars (Bauval, 1994). In addition, other structures on the Giza plateau correspond to the location and interrelationship of the stars of the Orion Constellation, and thus provide a map of the heavens.
Although one may speculate as to their meaning, the evidence clearly demonstrates that there was an objective, scientific, and astronomical basis for the design and construction of the pyramids of Egypt and old Mexico--an objective scientific basis which explains why there are so many similarities between the religious structures erected by people from completely different cultures and living on separate continents, thousands of years ago. The objective similarities are due to their being modeled on the same heavens and based on the same science.
For example, the Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Moon is shorter than the Pyramid of the Sun. However, their summits are level. Similarly, in Egypt, the summits of the Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of Khafre are the same, although the Khafre pyramid is shorter. This was accomplished by building the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of Khafre on higher ground (Smyth, 1990).
The pyramids of Giza and the pyramids of Teotihuacan, also incorporate, and in the same way, the value of pi. Pi is the constant that is multiplied by the diameter of a circle to give its circumferences (Harleston, 1974).
The area of the Great Pyramid's base (3023.16 feet) divided by twice its original height (481.3949 feet) gives the figure 3.1400000+ (pi). In addition, the ratio between its height and perimeter is the same as the ratio between the circumference and radius of a circle, i.e. 2 pi. And, if we multiply the height of the pyramid by 2 pi, we get the perimeter of its base.
The Pyramid of the Sun has a gentler slope compared to the pyramid at Giza, 43.5 vs 52 degrees and it is not as tall, 233.5 feet vs 481.3949. However, its base is almost the same, 2932.8 vs 3023.16 feet. Even so, the pi formula can be applied to the Pyramid of the Sun (Harleston, 1974). Its base divided by twice its height is equal to two pi, i.e. 6.2800. Its base divided by four times its height is equal to one pi, i.e. 3.1400... And, if we multiply the height of the pyramid by 4 pi, we get the perimeter of its base.

Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Moon and Sun

Pyramids of Giza
The builders of the pyramids of Egypt and ancient Mexico were well versed in geometry and astronomy and knew the relationship of the radius to its circumference. They knew the circumference of the Earth, and the distance of the center of the Earth to the poles. For example, the ratio of the Great Pyramid's altitude to its perimeter is the same as that of the polar radius of the Earth to its circumference: 2 pi, whereas the same ratio when applied to the Pyramid of the Sun yields the same figure if divided by two. In fact, as determined by Charles Piazzi Smyth (1990), the Astronomer-Royal of Scotland, the Great Pyramid incorporates and reveals the distance of the Earth from the sun when its height is multiplied by the proportion of its height to its width, that is, ten to the ninth power.
In addition, the height of the Great Pyramid is 1:43,200 of the polar radius of the Earth and the perimeter of its base is 1:43,200 of the Earth's equatorial circumference. In other words, by multiplying the base and height of the Great Pyramid by 43,200 one can arrive at an astonishingly close approximation of the dimensions of the Earth (Smyth, 1990).
The builders of the Great Pyramid "had determined the shape of the Earth which they knew to be a true circle, its size, its precise circumference, the geographical distance from the equator to the poles, the fact that the Earth is flattened at the poles, degrees of latitude and longitude to within a few hundred feet, the fact that they were shorter at the equator and longer at the poles, and the exact distance of the Earth from the sun. They had designed the pyramid's base to correspond to the distance the Earth rotates in half a second" (Funrneaux, 1987, p 17). The same can also be said of the builders of the Pyramid of the Sun (Harleston, 1974).
In summary: the Great Pyramids of Egypt and Mexico, appear to have been built in accordance with precise geometrical and astronomical laws to serve as a map of heaven, and to record the dimensions of Earth and the duration of the solar year. The Great Pyramid and the Pyramid of the Sun not only served as scale models of this planet, but could be used to record the movements of the Earth around the heavens in relation to the sun and the stars--the dwelling place of the gods. Moreover, they may have been used to predict or signify the death of old gods and the birth of new gods as related to which house the sun rises on the equinox.
The history of humanity is written in blood, death, rape, murder, pillage, and destruction... and throughout history, ancient books and ancient libraries were destroyed by invading armies... and by orders of the religious authorities... such that almost all has been lost.
The astronomer priests of the ancient world made a number of startling discoveries about the cosmos, our solar system, and the Earth--startling because thousands of years would pass before modern western scientists would make the same discoveries.
Much of the science of the ancient world has been lost through natural and cosmic catastrophes, or destroyed by the hand of man. In consequence, we know almost nothing about the ancient past, and much of what we do know, is dismissed by "experts" who cloak their ignorance with derision and laughter.
We suffer from a collective amnesia as to ancient civilizations and those events which transpired six thousand years ago, ten thousands years ago, and so on.
This amnesia is in large part, purposeful, for the books detailing the pre-deluvial past, and the treasures of knowledge the ancients had acquired, have been deliberately destroyed by priests, princes, and conquering kings.
In 213 B.C., the Emperor Chou-Houng-Ti, destroyed a hundred thousand books. When the library of Alexandria was burnt, tens of thousands of manuscripts went up in flames. When Pergamo was burned to the ground, 200,000 ancient books were reduced to soot and ash. And what of the ancient books from the library of the Temple of Solomon, from the sanctuary of Phtah of Memphis, the libraries of ancient Athens? Dust. Ashes and dust, of which only fragments remain...fragments and those few ancient stone tablets, temples, and pyramids which escaped the destructive hand of man.
Yet, despite the destructive efforts of the conquerors of old, and the priests of the medieval church who preached: "Thou shalt not know," we have learned that knowledge is not a sin, and that the ancients were men of great wisdom who had studied and learned from the stars.
Copernicus stated explicitly in the preface to his works, that it was from his reading of ancient authors that he learned of the movements of the Earth. And likewise, Newton and Galileo openly admitted their debts to the scientists of old. Indeed, Newton believed that the ancients had learned the secrets of the creation, transmutation, and destruction of matter, as well as the secrets of the stars.
However, whereas modern day calendars are based on the orbit and tilt of the Earth during a 365 day period, the ancients relied not only on a solar calendar, but a precessional calendar that was 25,776 years in duration--a calendar and cosmic clock that also predicts cycles of cosmic creation and destruction, and the birth and twilight of the gods as represented by the stars and the 12 constellations.
The illusion that the Sun moves, from north to south, and then back again, in synchrony with the waxing and waning of the four seasons, is due to the changing tilt and inclination of the Earth's axis, as it spins and orbits the sun. Thus over a span of 12 months it appears to an observer that the days become shorter (winter) and then longer (summer) and then shorter again as the sun moves from north to south, crosses the equator, and then stops (solstice), and heads back north again, only to stop (solstice), and then to again head south, crossing the equator only to again stop (solstice) and head north again.
The two crossings each year, over the equator (in March and September) are referred to as equinoxes. The two time periods in which the sun appears to stop its movement, before reversing course (June and December), are referred to as solstices--the "sun standing still."
The sun was recognized by ancient astronomer priests, as a source of light and life-giving heat, and as a keeper of time, like the hands ticking across the face of a cosmic clock.
Because of the scientific, religious, and cosmological significance of the sun, ancient peoples, in consequence, often erected and oriented their religious temples to face and point either to the rising sun on the day of the solstice (that is, in a southwest--northeast axis), or to face the rising sun on the day of the equinox (an east-west axis).
For example, the ancient temples and pyramids in Egypt were oriented to the solstices, whereas the Temple of Solomon faced the rising sun on the day of the equinox.

Equinox - Solstice


Over eons of time ancient peoples were forced to slightly alter the orientation of their temples, due to precession and cyclic changes in the inclinations of the Earth's orbital path (the ecliptic) and in its axis (obliquity). For example, the angle of the tilt of the Earth was 24 degrees in 4,000 BC, but has been reduced to 23.5 degrees in modern time. Eventually the angle of the tilt will reverse course and assume a greater angle of inclination.
The gravitational influences of the sun and the moon, coupled with the angle of the tilt of the Earth--that is, the axis of the orientation of the north and south pole--also causes the planet to slowly wobble as it orbits the sun--a phenomenon referred to as "precess."
As will be detailed, the priests of antiquity discovered precess, thousands of years ago. The Earth spins at the rate of 1000 miles per hour (as measured from the equator) and orbits the sun at 67,000 miles per hour. This orbital and circular motion generates incredible centrifugal forces which cause the Earth's equator to bulge outward whereas the poles are somewhat flattened, thus giving the planet a (sideways) egg-like shape of an oblate spheroid. However, this extra mass at the equator also serves to keep the Earth steady on its axis as it orbits the sun--like the outer rim of a spinning top or gyroscope.
It is said that this oblate spheroid shape of the planet was first discovered by Sir Isaac Newton. However, almost a thousand years before Newton, Muhammad describe the Earth as "shaped like an egg." Muhammad was correct.
And because of the gravitational influences of the sun and the moon, coupled with centrifugal forces, the angle of the tilt of the Earth slowly alters over time as it spins and orbits the sun. The alteration in the tilt of the Earth is cyclic, and over the course of the last 41,000 years, the tilt has been reduced by 1.5 degrees, i.e., from 25 degrees to a little less than 23.5 degrees.
Because the angle of the tilt--that is, the orientation of the north and south pole--alters over time, and t he retardation of the Earth's orbit, and thus due to a cyclic phenomenon referred to as "precession," over time the north pole "points" at different stars, and the sun rises in different constellations, like the movements of the hand of a clock.

Quetzalcoatl/Kukulkan holding the sign of the cross, the four corners, representing the equinox and solstice, and the surrounding cosmic clock.

Egyptian Key of Life.
The ancient astronomer priests discovered "precession" thousands of years before modern western scientists (Santillana & von Dechen, 1969; Sellers, 1992).
There is a cosmic clock-like regularity to "precession"--like the hands moving around the circular face of a clock.
At present, the north pole points at the "pole star" referred to as Polaris (alpha Ursae Minoris). Five thousand years ago the north pole pointed at alpha Draconis. Thirteen thousand years ago it pointed towards Vega.
In thirteen thousand years, the north pole will again point at Vega. Twenty thousand years from now it will again point at alpha Draconis. And, in 25,776 years it will again point at Polaris.
Thus, it takes the Earth 25,776 years for the hands of the cosmic clock to make a complete circular rotation and to complete a full precessional cycle.
The Four Seasons and the Sign of the Cross
Because the orientation and tilt of the Earth also shifts as it orbits the sun, the amount of sunlight the Earth receives varies during the course of a single orbit, but in a predictable, clock-like fashion (Hays et al., 2006). As noted, this change in the tilt of the planet gives rise to the four seasons and what is referred to as the winter and summer solstices and the autumn and spring equinoxes.
To honor the sun god, ancient peoples oriented their temples and monuments to face the rising sun on one of the four days believed to have cosmic significance, on the morning of the first day of Summer, Winter, Spring, or Fall, also known as the Winter and Summer Solstice, and the Spring and Fall Equinox. The four seasons, marked by the solstice and equinox, forms a cross, thereby giving the cross cosmic significance.
In the northern hemisphere, during the winter, the tilt is away from the sun, with the greatest degree of that tilt occurring on December 21. December 21 marks the winter solstice and is the shortest day of the year. By contrast, the greatest degree of tilt toward the sun occurs on June 21, the summer solstice, which is the longest day of the year. The equinoxes, March 20 and September 22, are the two days of the year which are of equal length.
There are two solstices, and two equinoxes, and these four events, represent the four corners of Earth and the cosmos, are are symbolized by the sign of the cross. This is why the sign of the cross appears across cultures and ages.


Missisipian Native Pendant.


Thus, the cosmic clock-like cycle of the Earth's orbit around the sun, gives rise to four significant astronomical events which the ancients deemed to be of the highest significance. However, as the ancients discovered, the equinoxes also undergo precession, and, precession has a repetitive, clock-like predictability (Santillana & von Dechen, 1969; Sellers, 2002).Worship of the sun is a custom that was embraced by most cultures throughout ancient history. The sun, like the 12 constellations, was viewed as a god. As the Earth orbits the sun it forms an imaginary circle referred to as the ecliptic. There is, however, a second, outer imaginary circle, an outer-ring that forms a belt that surrounds the Earth's ecliptic orbit. This outer circle is ringed with stars that form the 12 constellations of the zodiac: Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn. The 12 constellations, although differing in size, are evenly spaced, occupying positions in the heavens that could be likened to the numbers on the face of a clock. During the course of a solar year, the sun passes through each constellation which lie along the ecliptic, every 30 days, much like the hands of a clock marking the 12 hours of a day.
Each constellation occupies a space of 30 degrees along the ecliptic of the Earth's 360 degree orbit around the sun. Thus, as the Earth orbits the sun, every 30 days the Earth faces a different constellation during the morning sun-rise, and thus passes through a different house of the zodiac Because the orbit of the Earth gives rise to the illusion of the movement of the sun, the sun also appears to be rising in and passing through a different constellation every 30 days. An observer who watches as the sun rises or sets, will also see the sun rising or setting in a different constellation, every 30 days.
It is this illusion which led the ancient Greeks and the Medieval Catholic Church to believe that the Earth was at the center of the solar system and that the sun orbited the Earth. The ancient astronomer priests of remote antiquity were not fooled. Thousands of years before the rise of the Greek civilization, these ancient priest/astronomers recognized that the sun was at the center of the solar system, and, they calculated not only precess, but precession (Santillana & von Dechen, 1969; Sellers, 2002).
Because of the clock-like regularity of the changing seasons and the passage of the Earth through all the houses of the zodiac in a solar year, it can be predicted in which house of the Zodiac the sun would rise on any day of the year, including on the mornings of the summer and winter solstices and the spring and autumn equinoxes. These predictions can be made with accuracy for the following year, or even a hundreds years into the future: The future can be predicted mathematically based on the past.
What the ancient astronomer-priests discovered, however, was that over thousands of years of time, and because of precession, the sun slowly changes position, like the hands of a clock. Over thousands of years, the sun begins to rise in a different constellation on the mornings of the summer solstices, and a different constellation on winter solstices and different constellations on the spring and autumn equinoxes (Santillana & von Dechen, 1969; Sellers, 1992).
What the ancient astronomers discovered was that the sun's changing position, like the hands of a clock, pointed out the "hours" of the precessional cycle--a phenomenon referred to as the "precession of the equinoxes." Instead of every 30 days, the ancients determined that every 2160 years the sun would point at a different constellations on the day of the equinox or solstice. That is, it takes 2160 years for the sun to slowly move from house to house--like the ticking hands of celestial clock.
Due to the retardation of the Earth's orbital movement of 1 degree every 72 years, precession is a counterclockwise, or rather, an anti-clockwise phenomenon. Thus, every 2,160 years the sun rises in the previous house of the Zodiac. That is, the sun appears to move in a counterclockwise direction, such that the hands of the solar precessional clock also move backwards: Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, etc.



Constellation of Virgo

Constellation of Virgo

Constellation of Virgo

For example, the hands of the solar clock pointed at Aries, 4000 years ago, but slowly moved toward Pisces. For the last 2000 years the hand of the solar clock has pointed at Pisces, but moved slowly toward Aquarius. In 2012 we entered the age of Aquarius.
The ancient priests also determined that the precession of the equinoxes takes 25,920 years to complete its 360 degree circular cycle; i.e. 12 x 2160 years. Although modern "estimates" which gives the number as 25,776 (Hays, et al., 2006), it can still be predicted that 25,920 years from now, the sun will again leave Pisces and will enter the age of Aquarius.
The Age of Pieces/Christ and the Virgo/Virgin
As the ancient astronomer priests realized, a single year consists of 365 days. A Great Year consists of 25,920 years. The Great Year, like a single year, consists of 12 houses, but instead of 30 days per house/month, the duration of the time spent in each house/constellation is 2160 years.
It was also believed that as the hands of the cosmic clock shifted from one constellation to the next, this signified the ushering in of a "new world age," e.g., the age of Taurus followed by the age of Aries followed by the (current) age of Pisces, followed by the age of Aquarius; each lasting 2160 years.
However, every beginning is heralded by an ending and the death of a "god." As Aristotle long ago pointed out, in the truly ancient world, the "gods were stars," that is, constellations.
Thus, as the hands of the precessional clock moved from constellation to constellation, each new world age would be associated with the death of an old god and the birth and rein of a new god, who in turn would be directly linked to the prevailing constellation.
For example, the astronomical age of Pisces (the fish) began around the time of the birth of Christ, which is why the fish was and continues to be a symbol associated with Christ and Christianity. However, whereas the sun rose in the house of Pisces during the Spring equinox, it rose in the house of Virgo (the Virgin) in the autumn. Hence, the god Christ, is linked to Pisces and Virgo, i.e. the Virgin Mary.
Again, there are two solstices, and two equinoxes, and a different constellation occupies each of the four, for a 2,160 year period. These four events, represent the four corners of Earth and the cosmos, are are symbolized by the sign of the cross. This is why the sign of the cross appears across cultures and ages.
The Age of Taurus the Bull
Due to centrifugal forces which influences and slows the Earth's orbit around the sun, over centuries of time and the months of the year, on the days of the equinox and solstice the rising sun slowly change position relative to the constellations, like the backward ticking of a clock.
Because the Earth slows by 1 degree every 72 years, over a period of 2,160 years, it moves backward by 30 degrees, and therefore the sun begins to rise in a different constellation on the morning of the equinox and solstice. This is known as the precession of the equinoxes.
We are now in the age of Aquarius. For the previous 2,160 years, the sun rose in the house of Pisces on the day of the Spring Equinox. Due to the backwards ticking of the cosmic clock, the Age of Pisces was preceded by the Age of the Ram. Specifically, beginning around 2,200 BC, and for the next 2,160 years, on the morning of the Spring equinox the sun rose in the constellation of Aries, the Ram. Approximately 4,320 years ago, on the morning of the equinox the cosmic clock pointed at and the sun rose in the constellation of Taurus, the Bull. Therefore, for example, in ancient Egypt and Babylon, during the Age of the Bull, the Egyptians worshipped the bull numerous statues and monuments were dedicated to Taurus the god.

Egyptian Ram Gods

"Whereupon the king took counsel, and made two calves of gold, and said unto them: behold thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. -Exodus 32.8
The Transition From The Age of The Bull to the Age of the Ram
The age of Taurus was followed by the age of the Ram as the hands of the cosmic clock pointed at and the sun on the morning of the Spring equinox beginning around 2,200 BC. Therefore, in ancient Egypt during the Age of the Ram, the Egyptians worshipped the Ram and numerous statues and monuments were dedicated to the Ram god.
The age of the Ram was then followed by the age of Pieces. Thus, whereas Jesus is associated with the Age of Pieces, during the Age of the Ram, Egyptians kings, most notably, King Ramses were associated with the constellation of Aries, and numerous statues of the Ram god including those protectively surrounding the image of Ramses, were erected throughout Egypt and as guardians in his temple and mortuary complex. Moreover, Ramses magnificent mortuary temples were built to face the rising sun in the house of Aries, on the first day of Spring.
Egyptian Ram Gods

Ramses Temple on the morning of the solstice

Ramses Temple on the morning of the solstice
The Sumerians were largely a Semitic people, and Abraham, the patriarch of modern day Jews and the Jewish religion, hailed from Ur of the Chaldese, a Sumerian city, during the waning days of the Age of Taurus and at the onset of the new age of the Ram. When Abraham was born, the Sumerians and the ancient Jews worshipped a number of gods, including Taurus, the bull--also known as the "Golden Calf." However, the age of the Bull was over. Taurus was no longer god, replaced, by the new age of the ram, and the ram god.
The age of the Bull was over. The hands of the precessional clock had shifted to a new constellation and a new world age. A new age required a new god. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, was thus a new god who had just revealed himself--and the new god was heralded by the new age of the ram--Aries, the god of war, also known as the "Lord of Hosts" (armies) and the "Lord of Heaven."
The age of the ram began 4000 years ago--when Abram/Abraham was called by "God" and left for Egypt--which is why ancient religions at that time were ramo-riented and/or used rams in their symbolism. Indeed, rams appear repeatedly in the old testament and were important symbols in Egypt during this period.
Abram (Ab-ram) left Sumer during the opening days of the new age of the ram, and it is Abram (who became Abraham) who was the patriarch and thus the founder of a new religion, the Jewish religion--but first he had to prove himself to the new god--the god of the ram--by sacrificing his first born son, Isaac (Genesis 22):
"And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am. And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.... and Abraham built an altar there, and laid the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and laid him on the altar upon the wood. And Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took the knife to slay his son. And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me. And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering in the stead of his son." Instead, Abraham sacrificed a ram.

Abraham, Isaac, and the Ram
However, the followers of the old god, and the priests who had served the old god, Taurus, were loath to accept the transition. Rather than with rejoicing, the onset of a new age and the new god of the Ram, the ancient Jews rebelled. A new age means the death of the old age. The death of a god, and the birth of a new god could lead to calamity and destruction for those who prayed allegiance to what they had believed is the "one true god", the god of the bull. Thus we see that the ancient Jews struggled against Moses and the new age god of the Ram, preferring to worship instead the old god, Taurus.

The ancient Hebrews worshipping the old god, Taurus (the golden calf)
Moses solved the problem by ordering the death of all those who would not accept the new age religion of the Ram god, the lord of hosts (armies.).
For the last 2,160 years, the sun has risen in the constellation of Pisces on the first day of Spring, the vernal equinox, and in the constellation of Virgo on the first day of Fall. Thus we see that the birth of Jesus is associated with Pisces, the two fish, and the virgin, Virgo
Due to centrifugal forces which influences and slows the earths orbit around the sun, on the days of the equinox and solstice the rising sun seems to slowly change position relative to the constellations, like the backward ticking of a clock. Because the Earth slows by 1 degree every 72 years, over a period of 2,160 years, it moves backward by 30 degrees, and therefore the sun begins to rise in a different constellation on the morning of the equinox and solstice. This is known as the precession of the equinoxes.
On December of 2012 and June of 2013, the cosmic clock ceased to rise in Pieces and Virgo on the Spring and Fall Equinox--(though some believe the transition will not be complete until 2060). Thus, on or around 2012, the New Age had begun, and with the onset of each new age there is the ending of the preceding age. And as each age is associated with a god, the new age is linked with the birth of a new god and the death of the old god. If true, then new gods will replace the god of Pieces.

Around 60 BC. as it was recognized that the old age of the Ram was coming to an end, the astronomers, priests, kings, and astrologers turned to the heavens searching for signs. In the Middle East, there was a fever of increasing excitement, a new god was to be born; what some believed would be a messiah. However, the priests of the old god fought against and struggled to destroy the new religion; but even so, a new religion was born of the virgin (Virgo): Christ, the god of the Pisces--and within 600 years what had been the Roman Empire was paying homage to a new god: Jesus Christ (Pieces), and the mother of god, the Virgin Mary (Virgo).
However, the founders of the new religion based on the age of Christ/Pisces/Virgo recognized that "his" time would also come to an end; and they incorporated this knowledge into their religion, warning all of great destruction heralded by an anti-christ: a beast, a lion (Leo) who would threaten the Virgin, a man who would flood the Earth (Aquarius, the water bearer), an Eagle (Scorpio) and and "ox" (Taurus). In fact, as of 2012, Aquarius and Leo govern the equinox, and Scorpio and Taurus rule the solstice.
Each new age heralds not just the birth of a new god, but periods of destruction and cosmic calamity followed by a new golden age.
The ancient astronomer priests believed that destiny, on a cosmic or global level, and the destruction and renewal of civilization, could be determined through the observation of the stars and via mathematical predictions based on precess, precession, and the orbit of the Earth as it made its journey through the heavens and the 12 houses of the zodiac; that is, the 12 constellations.
In the final passages of Revelation, we see not only references to precession and the 12 houses of the Zodiac, but we are told of a new golden age: "One of the seven angels... carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven. It had twelve gates. The twelve gates were twelve pearls. I did not see a temple in the city, because... the city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light."
Periods of rebirth and destruction were believed to be linked to the Earth's movements from constellation to constellation, and this is also the overarching message of Revelation, i.e. Armageddon, in which Christians are warned of a war in heaven.
"And there appeared another wonder in heaven: And behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his head. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the Earth... -Revelation, 12
There are 24 hours in a day, a recurring cycle of 12 hours of light, 12 hours of darkness.
The number 24 is repeated again and again in Revelation, and the references is to repeating cycles: "...because he once was, now is not, and yet will come..."
And, as to "the third part of the stars," that Revelation tells us will be cast to Earth, this yields the number 8. What is the significance of number 8?
"How art thou fallen from heaven, O' Lucifer star of the morning... the one that made the Earth to tremble, that did to shake kingdoms. That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities..." -Isaiah, 14
However, the same "warnings" and the complex science which predicts the coming and going of each Age, can be found in the ancient writings of many ancient peoples; beliefs based on observation, history, and mathematical analysis of the movement of the stars in relation to Earth.
There are hints in ancient records, for example, that cyclic periods of destruction were due to the Earth passing through regions of space that were in turmoil. We are told of wars in heaven, battles among the stars, in which the Earth was buffeted by debris from space and rocked by wayward planets, moons, comets and stars that snaked through the heavens like a giant serpent, or a like a dragon which swallowed (eclipsed) the sun and the moon, and then attacked the Earth. And we are warned that these cosmic catastrophic events are cyclic and will occur again in the future:
"Is this the one that made the Earth to tremble, that did to shake kingdoms. That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities...
"But beware and rejoice not because the rod of his that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root and of his fruit shall be a fiery flying dragon... -Isaiah, 14
And, we are warned that these future cosmic catastrophic events, these wars in heaven, are directly related to precession and the passage of the Earth through the twelve houses of the Zodiac. The catastrophe is the death of the old god and the old age, and the birth of a new god and a new god. Out of destruction comes rebirth, e.g. god and the son of god, the sun god and the sun of god.
According to ancient Sumerian and Babylonian tradition: "Seven" refers to our planet, mother Earth--the seventh planet when counting from the outer rim of the solar system. In the passage above, mother Earth becomes: "A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet" (though, as detailed later, this passage may also refer to the constellation of Virgo--a Virgin about to give birth to a new god).
Because the ancients believed that the stars, and the movement of the Earth in its journey through the heavens was of fateful significance, the observations of the heavens and the cyclic nature of the dance of the stars, played a major role in decision making and in religious practices, including, as noted, in the orientation of ancient temples and predictions of destruction and rebirth.
The scribes of ancient Egypt tell us that the first kings of Egypt established their rule 15,400 years ago, as also documented by the ancient lists of Egyptian kings. According to legend, as the Egyptian civilization prospered and grew, and with the coming of the New Age of Leo, 13,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians erected a great Sphinx, with the head and body of a lion which faced the rising sun in the constellation of Leo on the first day of the spring equinox.
The sphinx, which still has the body of a lion, the king of beast, is believed to originally have had head of a lion, just as the ancient Egyptian statues of the Bull, the Lion, and the Ram have the heads of a bull, a lion and and a Ram. However, it is believed that the original Lion head became so badly eroded over eons of time that it was re-carved, growing smaller with each carving and due to erosion, and was finally reshaped into the head of a pharaoh.
Although the original nature of the head is debatable, that the sphinx has the body of a lion, and was erected to face the rising sun on the day of the vernal equinox is undeniable. Twelve thousand five hundred years ago and for the next 2000 years, the sun rose in the constellation of Leo, the lion, on the morning of the spring equinox. It is reasonable to assume the Sphinx was designed to greet the rising sun in the house of Leo, 12,500 years ago.
There is, however, considerable evidence that much of the erosion took place soon after the Sphinx was carved, when inundated by torrential rains and a great flood over 12,500 years ago, during the age of Leo.

As first discovered by Egyptologist R. A. Schwaller, the erosion on the Sphinx is quite different from the erosion observable on other structures in Egypt. On the back and upper portions of the Sphinx and its nearby walls, the rock is badly worn, edges are rounded, and deep up and down vertical fissures are prominent; conditions usually created, not by wind, but water, and torrential rains. By contrast the erosion seen on the Old Kingdom tombs is completely different in character and typical of wind and sand, not water or rain.
These observations were later verified by Egyptologist John Anthony West and geologist Robert Schoch who concluded that the vertical fissures were indicative of severe water erosion and were caused by a long period of torrential rainfall or severe flooding. The evidence indicates the water levels rose to the very head of the Sphinx with waves lapping at its shoulder and face. In fact, most of the erosion is not at the base or the walls of the Sphinx, but as the top of the back and neck--areas most accessible to direct rainfall. On the other hand, the body of the Sphinx was buried beneath the shifting sands for much of history whereas the head, back and shoulders were continually exposed, thereby making them subject to the greatest degree of erosion. However, again, much of the erosion appears to be due to water, not wind or sand.
Thus, it appears that the great Sphinx may have been erected over 12,000 years ago, during the age of Leo, and suffered a great deal of erosion when exposed to torrential rains and a great flood. In fact, according to the scribes of Egypt and the Egyptian King's List, the Egyptian King Osiris ruled Egypt during this epoch. Thus, according to legend, the great king, Osiris, who is associated with the constellation of Orion, was the last king of Egypt at the time of a massive flooding and thus a great catastrophe, some 12,000 years ago.
It has also been claimed that the three titanic pyramids of Giza were constructed over 12,000 years ago. Although there are claims and counter claims regarding who built the three pyramids of Giza, even the ancient kings of Egypt refer to them as being quite ancient.
In fact, although the grandest and oldest of them all is attributed to Khufu, many scholar believed that these claims are based on an obvious forgery and even a misspelling of his name by an archeologist who was hot to make a "great discovery." There is in fact evidence that Khufu claims that the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, had been constructed long before his own time. Moreover, Khufu's funeral boat was not found in the pyramid, but buried outside, which certainly suggest that the Great Pyramid was never intended to be Khufu's final resting place, but a pyramid belonging to another, more ancient king.
As discussed, the three great pyramids on the Giza plateau are oriented and mirror, in size and location, the constellation of Orion. The layout and orientation of the three great pyramids of Egypt are a mirror image of the three main belt stars of Orion, and they best match the positions of these three belt stars 12,000 yeas ago, during the age of Leo. Not just the earth, but our solar system, our galaxy, and the stars of the constellations are in motion and change position over time.
Most authorities agree that these first three great pyramids were constructed first, well before the erection of all other Egyptian pyramids. However, what has puzzled the experts is the fact that the first three pyramids are not only many times larger but have a degree of perfection not seen in all subsequent pyramids, over 100 which are known to have been constructed during and following the the reins of the 3rd dynasty some 4,500 years ago.
Indeed, the pyramids created by specific pharaohs during the 3rd dynasty, are stunted, lopsided, poorly constructed miniaturizations in comparison to the thee great pyramids of Egypt. This is exactly opposite to what would be expected; i.e. improvement in design and increases in size should appear in later copies but this is not the case. All subsequent pyramids are stunted, tiny in size, and poorly constructed in comparison. Those responsible for building the three great pyramids had access to a technology and science not available to those who came after.
Coupled with their incredible size and utter perfection, and how they map the heavens and the Earth, as already noted, lends credence to the possibility that the three g pyramids of Giza were built by a different, technologically advanced civilization, 12,000 years ago, and the later, inferior pyramids were created 8,000 years later, some 4,000 years ago.
Some ancient Arabian historians explain that these first three Pyramids, which exceeds all other pyramids in size and perfection, were created in anticipation of the great flood and calamity which the ancient Egyptians realized might destroy much of their world. Basing their conclusion on ancient manuscripts, Arab historians, such as al-Murtadi, in 1584, claim that before the great flood, the king of Egypt decided to secure the treasures of all ancient wisdom. This king built the pyramids to preserve the records of the sciences and wisdom of the ages, which were engraved in tablets, and memorials and then stored within the great pyramids and made secure. "Saurid...one of the kings of Egypt prior to the Great Flood... was the builder of two of the great pyramids....Saurid had a dream where the Earth turned upside down with all its people, the people fled in a blind rush, and the stars fell down..." -al-Maqrizi.
According to legend, all the kings advisors had the same dream and predicted the end of civilization. So, Saurid, the pre-deluvial King of Egypt, decided to build the pyramids to serve as great museums and libraries where all the worlds knowledge could be preserved. Indeed, the great pyramid itself, was to be a source of knowledge and wisdom, harboring the answers to all questions regarding the cosmos and the creation.
In fact, the great pyramid contains a number of chambers, one on top of the other, similar to many universities libraries. However, there is basically no evidence to suggest it was ever meant to serve as a tomb for an Egyptian king on his journey to the afterlife. As all who visit or who have studied these grand monuments can attest, the three pyramids are not just the oldest, grandest, largest, and architecturally superior to all those that came after, but they are completely un-Egyptian. Unlike all other Egyptian edifices, the chambers and inner walls of the three great pyramids of Giza are completely barren of hieroglyphics and are lacking in any markings whatsoever.
Typically, all Egyptian works, from 6,000 years ago to the end of their civilization, are covered with symbols, artistic renderings, hieroglyphics. Not so the great pyramid. The interiors are completely barren and lack ornamentation. Moreover, there is no evidence of torch light within the inner chambers. No smoke, no soot, no ash, nothing to indicate how the interiors were lighted; nothing except drawings of what appear to be giant electric lights, and the discovery of an ancient electric battery.
According to Plato: "We know nothing of what happened in ancient times... because of these great destructions and pestilence from heaven that comes pouring down, and which leaves few survivors, and because, after many generations, the survivors of that destruction die, leaving no written word.. Now these memories as myths."
Be it memory or myth, ancient peoples from throughout the world speak of a horrific cosmic cataclysm which destroyed the cities and civilizations of woman and man. And most blame the end of this golden age on a cosmic serpent--a serpent which may represent the Milky Way galaxy or the 12 major constellations which form circles within circles: and all circles repeat themselves in great cycles.
Twelve thousand years ago, on the morning of the Spring and Autumn equinox, the sun rose in the house of Leo and Aquarius. The cosmic clock has come half-circle and we have entered the new age of Aquarius--and with each new age, there is an ending of an old.

Throughout much of history, there have been secret societies consisting of men who believed that the discoveries of science should be kept secret from kings, ministers, government officials, and those who would exploit science for the purpose of evil and doing harm. Asoka, the grandson of Chandragupta who had unified anci
ent India, was a warrior and a scientist, and he applied his understanding of science, to war. He was overcome by his own successes and developed a horror for war. Upon becoming emperor of India, Asoka forbid men to ever use their intelligence or their knowledge of science, for purposes of evil. Scientists and scholars of ancient
India, were forced to take vows of secrecy and to become members of a secret society who could only communicate openly through riddles, parables, and secret codes.
The ancient astronomer priesthood in many ways, also functioned like a secret society, with secret initiation rites, and hidden knowledge that only initiates were privy too.
For example, the Kaballa tells us that there are 72 angels and that those who know their names and numbers can use them to invoke or approach the divine powers--the Sephiroth.
In the ancient religion of China, the initiation ritual of the Hung League involved questions that involved the numbers 36, 72, and 108 (Ward, 1925)--all of which are multiples of 12:
Indeed, what is the meaning of this?
All three are multiples of 12. Moreover, these numbers, as well as the numbers 9, 12, 30, 36, 108, 360, 2160, 25,920, 432,000, 1,296,000, repeatedly appear in ancient religious texts and in religious "myths" the world over.
In Arabic-pre-Islamic tradition, it was said that martyrs were rewarded in heaven with 72 Virgins.
"Man has not touched them before them nor jinni. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny? Reclining on green cushions and beautiful carpets. Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny? --The Beneficent.
Hadith number 2,562 in the collection known as the Sunan al-Tirmidhi says, "The least [reward] for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine and ruby." The ancient Egyptian religious myth of Osiros tells us that 72 divine conspirators, led by Seth, plotted to kill Osirus (Budge, 1903, Sellers, 1992).
The mystics of the Kaballah believe that 72 is Yahweh's secret number.
Yahweh instructed Moses and Aron to take 70 of the elders of Israel to accompany them to the Holy Mount; i.e. Moses + Aron + 70 = 72. However, Moses and Aron also brought along 2 of Arons 4 sons. Thus Aron and Moses were accompanied by 72 men.
These numbers are significant because they are precessional numbers which yield 2160--the total number of years in which the sun was believed to spend in each of the 12 constellation.
For example, 30 times 72 equals 2160--the number of years the ancients believed it took the sun to pass from one to the next house of the zodiac.
Consider: 12 is the number of houses of the zodiac. There are 360 degrees to a circle and 30 is the number of degrees assigned to each house (360 divided by 12=30). 72 is the number of years for the sun to complete a precessional shift of one degree (the modern estimate being 71.6). And, 360 is the total number of degrees in the Earth's ecliptic.
Again, 72 x 30 yields 2160 which is the total number of years in which the sun spends in each house. 360 x 72 equals 25,920, as does 2160 x 12, which is a very close estimate of the number of years to complete a precessional cycle through all 12 houses of the zodiac, the modern estimate being 25,777 years.
Likewise, the value of 2160 is remarkably close to the modern estimate of 2148, which is the time it now takes for a precessional shift through a single constellation.
In some religious "myths," the number 36 is added to 72, to obtain 108:
"In one pot were 36 and in the other 72 plants, together, 108. Who in the world knows the meaning of this?"
The number, 108, can be multiplied by factors of 10 to obtain the number of years for a precessional shift through a single constellation, i.e. 20 times 108 equals 2,160.
The temple complex of Angkor, India, has five gates which lead to five roads, each of which is bordered by 108 gigantic stone figures, i.e. 540 stone figures total. These stone figures are bound to a huge Naga serpent, which they pull in order to churn the Milky Oceans of the Universe.
540, like 108, is a precessional number.
For example, 540 x 4 = 2,160.
The number "4" is derived from the four seasons (the two solstices and two equinoxes) and which also provides us with the sign of the cross.
Also, 540 x 48 = 25,920
In ancient Indian religion, the number 48 appears as a component of each divine year. For example, 4,800 is the duration of Krita Yuga.
The Rigveda also tell us of the "12-spoked wheel in which the 720 sons of Agni are established."
12 x 720 = 8640 which when multiplied by 30 = 25,920.
The number 12, of course, refers to the 12 houses of the zodiac. And, 12 has always been a very important number in ancient, as well as more modern religions, such as Judaism and Christianity.
The ancient Greeks and Romans believed in 12 great gods, the 12 Olympians of the Greek Pantheon. However, before the rise of the 12 Olympians, the Greeks tell us there were 12 Titans.
There are 12 months in a year, 12 hours in a day, and 12 hours in a night, and 12 constellations.
Osiris (The Lord of the Dead), was killed by Set in the company of 72 conspirators, and passes judgment on the dead with the assistance of a council of 12.
"The Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven.... had a great, high wall with twelve gates, and with twelve angels at the gates. On the gates were written the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. There were three gates on the east, three on the north, three on the south and three on the west.
The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb" --Revelations.
Jesus had his 12 apostles. Moses "erected 12 stone pillars" (Exodus 24:4). And Jacob and Ishmael each had 12 sons.
"Those were the sons of Ishmael...twelve chieftains each to his own nation" --Genesis 25.
"And the number of sons of Jacob was twelve." --Genesis 35
The tribe of Benjamin, that is, the Benjaminites, also took on a female role. As detailed in the Jewish Bible (Tanakh), the Benjaminites were a tribe of notorious homosexuals.
As detailed in Genesis, Jacob's other sons were also linked to the zodiac: Juda was referred to as a lion (Leo), Zebulun was linked to Aquarius--he was to be a Dweller of the Seas--and Joseph was linked to Sagittarius as he was depicted as a bowman.
Also, Levi and Simeon were linked together, thus forming a Gemini (twins). Both brothers, Jacob prophesied, would forfeit their domains and their offspring would be dispersed among the other 10 tribes. However, the list stayed at 12 with the addition of Joseph's two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh.
Also, in the Jewish "Bible" --i.e, in the Nevi'm (The Prophets)-- there are 12 minor prophets and 9 major prophets listed. Again, these are precessional numbers.
The ancients also counted 9 planets, the Earth being number 7, and Venus, number 8.
And, 12 x 9 = 108. These are all precessional number, and 9 and 12 are repeatedly mentioned in the Bible and were considered sacred numbers by a number of ancient religions:
The Aztecs and Mayas believed in a pantheon of 9 deities, as did the priests of Egypt during the earliest dynastic period, 4,500 years ago (Budge, 1903, Thomkins, 1987). The Mayas also believed that the underworld has nine levels through which the dead must journey over a period of 4 years (Coe, 1993).
We also know that the Hebrew word "Mazal-tov" (shouted during births and weddings) does not mean "good luck" per se, but a "good zodiac," or, a "good constellation/station." That is, a wish that the sun's station, in a specific constellation on the day of the birth/wedding, will bring good luck.
Again, there are 12 constellations and 12 is a precessional number.
Or consider the number, 432,000.
The Mayan calendar featured the number 432,000, as well as 2160 and others that allowed for the calculation of precession, i.e. 1 Tun = 360 days, 2 Tuns = 720 days, 6 Tuns 2160 days, 6 Katuns = 43,200 days (Wright, R. 1991).
The ancients believed that precession through one constellation takes 2,160 years. Precession through two houses of the zodiac (60 degree across the ecliptic) was believed to take 4,320 years.
In ancient Indian religion, Kali Yuga is believed to be one of the four ages of Earth . Kali Yuga is identified as the current and last age and consists of 1200 Divine years. This is equal to 432,000 years of mortal man.
There are also 10,800 stanzas in the religious text, the Rigveda, the most ancient of Vedic literature-- 10800 being a multiple of 108. Each stanza consists of 432,000 syllables.
In the Sumerian King's list, it is asserted that the Anunnaki gods arrived on Earth, 432,000 years ago.
We are also told by Berossus of ancient Babylon, that gods and demi-gods ruled ancient Summer for a total of 432,000 years.
According to ancient Chinese traditions, all the world's knowledge, before the destruction of the last world by the worldwide deluge, were said to be written down in 4,320 volumes.
Berossus also tells us that there are 2,160,000 years between creation and universal catastrophe, which is the amount derived at when 432,000 is multiplied by 5.
The four seasons, plus the axis running through the Earth (passing through north and south pole) yields the number "5."
Likewise, 2,160,000 represents 1000 cycles of the number of years it takes the sun to pass from one to the next house of the zodiac.
As noted, by multiplying the base and height of the Great pyramid by 43,200 one can arrive at an astonishingly close approximation of the dimensions of the Earth.
Or, consider the Norse poem which describes the battle of the gods and the end of the world: "500 doors and 40 there are I seen, in Valhalla's walls; 800 fighters through each door fare, When to war with the Wolf they go."
500 plus 40 = 540. 540 x 800 = 432,000.
432,000 divided by 6,000=72
432,000 divided by 2,000=2,160
Again: "Coincidence" is not a scientific explanation.
Dr. Herman Hiprect, who participated in "The Babylonian Expedition of the University of Pennsylvania" has reported that in analyzing the numerous Mesopotamian mathematical tablets, that "all the multiplication and division tables from the temple libraries of Nippur and Sippar, and from the library of Ashurbanipal in Ninevah, are based upon the number 1296000." He concluded that this number had to be related to precession.
12,960,000 divided by 500=25,920
500 x 25,920=12,960,000
As summed up by de Santillan and von Dechend (1969), "When one finds the same numbers reappearing under several multiples in the Vedas, in the temples of Angkor, in Babylon, in Heraclitius' dark utterances, and also in the Norse Valhalla, it is not an accident... These refer to celestial events... and constitute... a language of awe inspiring antiquity... that concentrates on numbers, motions, measures, overall frames, schemas, and on the structure of numbers, on geometry.... which transmit... a precessional message..."
Yes, but is the message
The ancients believed that precession, the cosmic clock,was directly linked to cycles of creation and destruction, of death and rebirth. Precession was a key to predicting the future--a future based on the past, including past cycles of cosmic destruction: the old age replaced by the new.
"And the seven judges of hell raised their torches, lighting the land with their livid flame. A stupor of despair went up to heaven when the god of the storm turned daylight into darkness, when he smashed the land like a cup" -the Epic of Gilgamesh.
"And there appeared another wonder in heaven: And behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns upon his head. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the Earth...
"And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon: and the dragon fought and his angels. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan which deceivith the whole world: He was cast out and his angels were cast out with him...
"And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood. And the Earth opened her mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out his mouth. And the dragon was wroth and went to make war..." --Revelation, 12

The coming of Christ, a Messiah, the new god, and the onset of a "new Golden Age" was heralded by the sun's movement from Aries into the house of Pisces, 2000 years ago. In the mind of at least some of the ancients, the birth of the new god was also signaled by the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which lined up together in the constellation of Pisces, in the year 6 B.C., thus forming a very bright "star"--the "star of Bethlehem."
These "blessed" events were immortalized two thousand years ago by Virgil, in his Fourth Ecologue: "Now the Virgin returns, the reign of Saturn returns, now a new generation descends from heaven on high. Only do thou, pure Lucina, smile on the birth of the child, under whom the iron brood shall first cease, and a golden race spring up throughout the world!"
And who was the "virgin?"
Virgo. With her return, Virgo the virgin would give birth to a new age and a new god.
Two thousand years ago, whereas Pisces governed the vernal equinox, the sun rose in Virgo during the autumn equinox. However, 12,000 to 14,000 years ago, Virgo governed the vernal equinoxes during the "golden age" and when she left, the "golden age ended" in a confluence of catastrophes.
Hence, Virgil's poem, refers to the return of the Virgin which coincided with the new age of Pisces both of which ruled during the last "Golden age."
Thus, the birth of Christ was associated not only with the new golden age of Pisces, but with a virgin--Virgo: The virgin birth of the new god. Virgo would rein for 2,160 years, and with her departure (in about 100 years), the god she gave birth to will die. However, a new god will not only take the place of the old god, but her departure will give birth to the new god as well--a god associated with the "beast" --Leo (the lion). The Virgin will flee only to be pursued by Leo who shall take her place.
Likewise, in Revelation, we are told that the ending of the next world will be associated with a "beast...like that of a lion..." and a "dragon" who "gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority..." and who "pursued the woman who...was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth..." and who, upon giving "birth to the male child...fled into the desert.... where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days...the dragon...pursued the woman..."
The woman (Virgo) gives birth (a virgin birth) to a new God only to depart and to be pursued by the water belching dragon and anti-Christ who gives power to a lion-like beast (Leo) who will rule the heavens. However, by departing she also gives birth to a new god: the beast, Leo.
Revelations also gives us the number of the beast: "His number is 666. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast."
"666" is obviously a reference to a repeating cycle. Yet, the author of Revelations asks us to look beyond the obvious and to "calculate the number of the beast."
Calculating the Number of the Beast: 6 x 6 x 6 = 216. "216" is a precessional number: 2,160-- the number of years to complete a precessional cycle.
10 x 216 = 2160.
The "Beast" is Leo: "The horses... I saw in my vision looked like this: The heads of the horses resembled the heads of lions....Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven...he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion....And I saw a beast coming out of the sea." (Aquarius--the sea.)
And his repeating cyclic number, 666, refers to precession: "The beast, which you saw, once was, now is not, and will come up out of the Abyss...The inhabitants of the Earth.... will be astonished when they see the beast, because he once was, now is not, and yet will come..." -Revelation
As noted, precession is a counterclockwise, or rather, an anti-clockwise phenomenon. Due to the retardation of the Earth's orbital movement of 1 degree every 72 years, every 2,160 years the sun rises in the previous house of the Zodiac.
Hence, instead of moving forward from Pisces to Aries, in about 100 years the sun will rise in Aquarius, thereby signaling the death of the god of Pisces (the fish) and heralding the new age god of Aquarius who will rule the vernal equinox.
Likewise, Virgo (the virgin) will be replaced by Leo (a predatory "Beast") who will rule the autumn equinox, just as he did 12,000 years ago: "The horses... I saw in my vision looked like this:
The age of Aquarius/Leo, therefore, is the anti-Christ: Symbolized by the movement away from Pisces/Virgo, and the end of that "god's" rule.
Some 12,000 years ago, Aquarius (the god of the waters) ruled the autumn equinox and Leo ruled the vernal equinox. It is during this ancient period that the "Golden Age" is believed to have ended, and civilization along with it in a terrible flood that coincided with a "war in heaven." Thus, the return of Leo and Aquarius (albeit in the opposite equinox) and the departure of Pisces and Virgo, is also believed to herald not just a new beginning, but a terrible ending--a confluence of catastrophes that will coincide with a celestial war in heaven and a battle among the stars that will begin with the rise of Leo, the "Beast:"
"Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him... and there before me was a throne... In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures. The first living creature was like a lion" (Leo?) "the second was like an ox" (Taurus?) "the third had a face like a man (Sagittarius/Aquarius), "the fourth was like a flying eagle..."
And what is the "flying eagle?" Scorpio.
Again, as of 2012, the sun rises in the houses of Scorpio and Taurus on the solstice, and in the constellations of Leo and Aquarius on equinox.
Revelation continues: "the fourth was like a flying eagle... And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming in a loud voice, "Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll...Then one of the elders said to me... the Lion... has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and its seven seals... and the stars in the sky fell to Earth. The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the Earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains... Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them. The first angel sounded his trumpet, and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down upon the Earth. A third of the Earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.
The second angel sounded his trumpet, and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea....The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky..." -Revelation.
"Who among us can tell the future by letting us hear the First Things?" --Isaiah, 43.
Revelation repeatedly refers to a cosmic catastrophe associated with the house of Leo (the lion) and Aquarius (waters/sea). Ezekiel (38, 39) tells us that in the "End of Days" fire and brimstone will fall from the skies, and there will be great earthquakes, plagues, and wars.
Ezekiel, like Revelation and Isaiah, also contains precessional language, as does the Mayan/Olmec calendar. And, they base their predictions of the future, on what has happened in the past...that the End is anchored in the Beginning (e.g. Isaiah, 48; Zechariah, 1, 7).
The best predictor of the future, is the past.
However, neither Revelation, Ezekiel, or Isaiah, provide us with a date in which these terrible cosmic events are to recur, other than to warn that these disasters will begin with the return of the great serpent, the anti-Christ, and the beast: Aquarius/Leo.
The Mayas, basing their calculations on the Venus calander, were more exacting.
According to the Mayan/Olmec/Aztec Calendar, the date for the beginning of the end of the previous age and its gods, and the onset of a new age and its gods, will be "4 Ahau 3 Kankin" (December 23, 2012), "and it will be ruled by the Sun God, the ninth Lord of the Night."
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius--arriving with the roar of the Lion.