Gods, Spirits, Souls, Astral Projection, After Death, and the Neuroanatomy Of Religious Experience

Gods, Spirits, Souls, Astral Projection, After Death, and the Neuroanatomy Of Religious Experience

Rhawn Gabriel Joseph, Ph.D.


How Consciousness Became the Universe and Created Itself: Quantum Physics of God

Is God an Extraterrestrial?

The Religious Wars Against Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life

Evolution of Paleolithic Cosmology, Spiritual Consciousness, the Temporal and Frontal Lobes

Cosmology and the Death of Gods: New Age Religions, Anti-Christ, Precession of the Equinox

Neurotheology: Gods, Death, Souls, Spirits, Rebirth, Astral Projection, Judgment Day, Heaven, Hell, and the Second Death

Possession and Prophecy: Alien Hand, Split-Brains, Religious Experience, Trance, Dissociation, Moses, Hitler and the Second Exodus

Damon Wells: Son of the Devil. The Murder and Dreams of Tanya Zach

Spirits, Souls & Poltergeists

Religion: Evolution of...

Deja vu Deja vu Deja vu Deja vu Deja vu

The Transmitter to God

The Children of God: Cro-Magnon Genesis

The Great Flood: The Destruction of Ancient Civilizations

The Anunnaki, Nephilim, Exodus, and The Deluge


. The Two Gods: God & the Lord God

Dreams & Dreaming

Jesus Christ - The Passion of Jesus

Christ: The Christ Conspiracy.

Jesus Christ: The Marriage of Jesus. (html)

Death: Image of Death

Death, Embraced by the Light, & Images of Death

Death & Dying

Death, After-Death, Heaven & Hell (download PDF)

Near Death Experiences Induce Differences In Sleep-wake Control

Armaggedon, AntiChrist, Revelations: the End of the World / Movie