
Rhawn Gabriel Joseph Ph.D.
BrainMind.com Index of Contents / Articles / Chapters 100,000+ Unique Visitors Each Month
1: Brain, Mind, Neuroscience, Functional Neuroanatomy
Neuroanatomy of Mind: Brain Overview
The Neocortex
The Right Hemisphere: Cognition, Emotion, Dreams, & Awareness
Left Hemisphere: Language, Consciousness, Math...
Limbic System: Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Hippocampus
Limbic Language: Social Emotional Development & Infant Speech
Frontal Lobes: Language, Movement, Senior Executive of the Brain & Personality
Parietal Lobes: Body Image, Hand-in-Space, Language
Temporal Lobes: Language, Memory, Emotion
Occipital Lobes: Vision, Blind Sight...
Basal Ganglia, Striatum, Thalamus: Movement
The Limbic Striatum
Brainstem: Medulla, Pons, Midbrain, Cranial Nerves
Cerebellum: Functional Neuroanatomy
II: Brain Atlas and Functional Brain Maps
Brain Maps: Interactive Functional Localization Brain Maps
Brain Map I: Left Cerebral Hemisphere - Functional Localization
Brain Map II: Right Cerebral Hemisphere - Functional Localization
Brain Map III: Medial (Split-Brain) Cerebral Hemisphere - Functional Localization
Brain Map IV: Limbic System - Functional Localization
Brain Map V: Basal Ganglia - Functional Localization
Brain Atlas 1: Comparative Neuroanatomy
Brain Atlas 2: The Hemispheres & Lobes of the Brain
Brain Atlas 3: The Intra-Hemispheric Pathways
III: Limbic System: Hypothalamus, Amygdala, Hippocampus, Septal Nuclei, Cingulate, Olfactory Lobe, Limbic Striatum
Limbic System Primer Limbic System Overview
Limbic Language
Olfactory Bulbs & Olfactory Limbic System
The Olfactory Limbic System
Olfactory Neurons
Homicidal HyperSexuality (Amygdala Seizures)--Mother Sexually Assaulted & Killed by Son.
Charles Whitman: The Amygdala & Mass Murder
The Uncus of the Temporal Lobe
Sex Differences in the Human Amygdala
The Limbic/Amygdala Striatum
Hippocampus, Amygdala, Memory, Amnesia, & Neural Networks
The Hippocampal Entorhinal Area
The Cingulate Gyrus
Unconscious: the Limbic System & the Unconscious
Neglect, Stress, Neuro-Chemistry & the Amygdala
Limbic System "Experience-Expectant Development
Normal & Abnormal Amygdala-Social Emotional Development
IV: Basal Ganglia, Striatum, Thalamus
Basal Ganglia: Movement, Emotion...
The Caudate Nucleus
The Head of the Caudate
The Tail of the Caudate
The Putamen
The Globus Palidus
The Lateral Globus Pallidus
The Medial Globus Pallidus
Nucleus Accumbens
The Limbic Striatum
V: Brainstem & Cerebellum
Brainstem: Medulla, Pons, Midbrain, Cranial Nerves...
The Medulla
The Midbrain
Cerebellum: Functional Neuroanatomy
VI: Frontal Lobes
Frontal Lobe Psychopathology
The Left Frontal Lobe
Broca's Expressive Speech Area
Right Frontal Emotional-Melodic Speech Area
Frontal Lobes & Arousal
The Frontal Motor Areas Controlling Movement
Frontal Eye Fields Controlling Gaze & Visual Attention
Medial Frontal Lobes
Frontal Lobe & Intelligence
The Frontal-Temporal Lobes
The Orbital Frontal Lobes
VII: Parietal Lobes
Parietal Lobes: Functional Neuroanatomy
Area 5 of the Parietal Lobes: Functional Neuroanatomy
Area 7 of the Parietal Lobes: Functional Neuroanatomy
The Angular Gyrus
The Inferior Parietal Lobe & Angular Gyrus: Language & Naming
The Knowing Hand: Counting, Naming, Writing....
The Body Image & Hand in Space
The Right Inferior Parietal Lobe: Visual Space.
VIII: Temporal Lobes
Temporal Lobes: Functional Neuroanatomy
Wernicke's Receptive Language Area
Right Temporal Emotional-Language Receiving Area
The Inferior Temporal Lobes
The Tight Inferior Temporal Lobes Visual Space
IX: Occipital Lobes
Occipital Lobe: Functional Neuroanatomy
The Right Occipital Lobe
Visual Association Areas
Blind Sight
X: Association & Assimilation Sensory & Motor Areas
The Primary Auditory Receiving Area
Wernicke's Receptive Language Area
Right Temporal Emotional-Language Receiving Area
The Primary Motor Expressive Area
The Frontal Motor Areas Controlling Movement
Broca's Expressive Speech Area
Right Frontal Emotional-Melodic Speech Area
The Primary Somesthetic/Body Information Receiving Area
Area 5 of the Parietal Lobes: Functional Neuroanatomy
Area 7 of the Parietal Lobes: Functional Neuroanatomy
The Primary Visual Receiving Areas
Visual Association Areas
XI: Left & Right Hemispheres: Functional Lateralization
Right Hemisphere: Functional Neuroanatomy
Right Brain Awareness
Right Hemisphere Language
Left Hemisphere: Functional Neuroanatomy
Language, Emotion & Reversed Cerebral Dominance
Split-Brain: Two Minds-Two Brains
Split-Brain Patient
the Alien hand
the Corpus Callosum, Interhemispheric Fibers
The Right Inferior Temporal Lobes Visual Space
The Right Occipital Lobe
Broca's Expressive Speech Area
Right Frontal Emotional-Melodic Speech Area
The Body Image & Hand in Space
The Right Inferior Parietal Lobe: Visual Space.
The Split Brain: Two Brains - Two Minds
XII: Language, Math & Thought
The Primary Auditory Receiving Area
Wernicke's Receptive Language Area
Right Temporal Emotional-Language Receiving Area
The Inferior Parietal Lobe & Angular Gyrus: Language & Naming
The Knowing Hand: Counting, Naming, Writing....
Broca's Expressive Speech Area
Right Frontal Emotional-Melodic Speech Area
Origins of Thought:
Consciousness, Language, Egocentric Speech
and the Multiplicity of Mind
Body Language
Dancing, Languages of the Body in Motion
XIII: Head Injuries, Stroke, Tumors, Seizures, Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Disease
Coma, Unconsciousness, Vegetative States
Head Injury
Skull Fractures
Head Injuries: Skull Fractures, Concussions, Contusions, Hemorrhage, Loss of Consciousness, Coma....
Emboli & Stroke
Hemmorrhage & Stroke
Thrombi, Emboli, Transient Ischemic Attacks, Hemorrhage, Aneurysms, Athersclerosis
Stroke: MRI Functional Images
Neoplasms & Brain Tumors
Brain Tumors: MRI Functional Images
Left Frontal & Left Temporal Atrophy in Early Alzheimer's
Movie: Alzheimer's Disease
Movie: Parkinson's & PTSD
XIV: Depression, Mania, Schizophrenia, Hysteria, Hallucinations, Dissociation
The Neuroanatomy of Psychosis, Depression, Mania, Schizophrenia, etc.
Depression, the Neuroanatomy of...
Mania, Depression, & Bipolar Disease, the Neuroanatomy of...
Dissociation,PTSD, Flashbacks, Paralytic Fear
Hallucinations, the Neuroanatomy of...
Paranoia...Is Watching
Schizophrenia, the Neuroanatomy of...
Brain Mind Lecture 5:The Temporal Lobes: Schizophrenia, Depression, Delusions, Dreams, Memory, Hallucinations, Language...
Dreams and Hallucinations:
Lifting the Veil to Multiple Perceptual Realities
Dissociation,PTSD, Flashbacks, Paralytic Fear
XV: Disorders of Reading, Writing, Language, Math & Praxis
Agnosia: Disorders of Recognition
Agraphia: Disorders of Writing
Confabulation & Delusional Denial: Frontal Lobe & Laterlized Influences Confabulation & Child Brain Development
XVI: Memory, Amnesia and Disorders of Memory
Hippocampus, Amygdala, Memory, Amnesia, & Neural Networks
The Hippocampal Entorhinal Area
Memory...the Neuroanatomy of
Amnesia: Loss of Memory
Emotional Trauma & Childhood Amnesia
Amnesia: Childhood Amnesia and Traumatic Amnesia.
Amnesia: Traumatic Amnesia, Corticosteroids & Repression.
Amnesia, Childhood & Traumatic--Neurology of....
Memory Tests: Immediate- & Short-Term Memory
XVII: Development of Brain, Mind, Emotion, Sex Differences
Fetal Brain & Cognitive Development
Abnormal Fetal & Neonatal Brain Development
Brain & Emotional & Language Development
Synaptic Connections & Competition: The Developing Brain
Neural Plasticity & Neural Competition
Over View of Brain Development
The Development of the Limbic System
Limbic Language
Sexual Differentiation of Brain & Body
Limbic System Social Emotional Development
Love, Neglect, Incest, Physical & Sexual Abuse During Infancy & Childhood
Parenting & Sex Differences in Children
Sex Differences in Social & Emotional Behavior During Infancy & Childhood
The Neurology of Maternal Neglect
Attachment & Maternal Love During Infancy & Childhood
Neurology & NeuroPsychology of Maternal Neglect, Inconsistent Mothering & Foster Care During Infancy & Childhood
Foster Care: Negative Effects on Emotional, Intellectual & Psychological Development
Maternal & Childhood Experience On Limbic Social-Sexual-Emotional Development
Environmental Influences on Development
Early Environmental Influences on Memory, Learning, Activty, Sex Differences
Environmental Influences on Learning, Memory, Exploration.
Neglect, Stress, Neuro-Chemistry & the Amygdala
Limbic System "Experience-Expectant Development
Normal & Abnormal Amygdala-Social Emotional Development
The Unabomber: Limbic System Damage Due to Emotional Deprivation
The Knowing Hand: Counting, Naming, Writing....
Development of Language, Thought, & EgoCentric Speech
Confabulation & Child Brain Development
Conservation & Non-linguistic Knowledge in Children
Conservation, Reversible Operations & Interhemispheric Transfer in Children
Right Hemisphere & Long Lost Childhood Memories
Emotional Trauma & Childhood Amnesia
Right Hemisphere & Long Lost Childhood Memories
XVIII: Sex, Sexuality, Sex Differences
Evolution of Sexual Consciousness: Breasts, Buttocks & the Big Brain
The Evolution of Sex Differences in Language, Sexuality, and Visual Spatial Skills
Sex Differences in Infancy & Childhood
Sex Hormones & Sex Differences in Learning & Memory
Female Sexuality, Evolution & Erotica
Female Sexual Fantasies & Erotica
Sex Differences: Evolution of...
Sexual Differentiation of the Body & the Brain
Sex Differences in Social & Emotional Behavior During Infancy & Childhood
Sex Differences: Effects of Testosterone On Sex Differences in Visual Spatial Skills
Sex Differences. Females Have More Sex
Lesbian (Female-Female) Sexuality
Lesbian's Brain Reaction To Pheromones Similar to the Heterosexual Male
Homosexuality: Anatomy of...
Male Rivalry Increases When Females At Most Fertile
Sexual Competition Between Women.
Orgasm: Sex Differences in Orgasm
Sex & Self-Cutting & Mutiliation
Serial Sex Killers
Nazi Sex Perversions
Homicidal HyperSexuality (Amygdala Seizures)--Mother Sexually Assaulted & Killed by Son.
Sex, Violence & Religion--Neurology of... (download PDF)
Sexual Perversions or Sexuality? / Movie
Sex News
Comfort Women & WWII Sex Slaves.
IXX: Stress, PTSD, Flashbacks, Dissociation
Neglect, Stress, Neuro-Chemistry & the Amygdala
Neurology & NeuroPsychology of Maternal Neglect, Inconsistent Mothering & Foster Care During Infancy & Childhood
Movie: Parkinson's & PTSD
Stress & the Brain
Dissociation, PTSD, Flashbacks, Paralytic Fear
Sex Differences in PTSD
Emotional Trauma & Childhood Amnesia
XX: Dreams & Sleep
Dreams and Hallucinations:
Lifting the Veil to Multiple Perceptual Realities
The Dream of Dreaming
The Interpretation of Dreams
Near Death, "Out-of-Body" Dissociative Experience, and Dream Sleep
XXI: Spirituality
Evolution of Paleolithic Cosmology and Spiritual Consciousness: the Temporal and Frontal Lobes
Spirits, Souls & Poltergeists
Religion: Evolution of...
Deja vu Deja vu Deja vu Deja vu Deja vu <
The Transmitter to God The Children of God: Cro-Magnon Genesis The Great Flood: The Destruction of Ancient Civilizations The Anunnaki, Nephilim, Exodus, and The Deluge Exodus...
. The Two Gods: God & the Lord God
Dreams & Dreaming
"Out-of-Body" Dissociative Experience, and Dream Sleep
Christ: The Passion & Crucifixion of Jesus / Movie
Jesus Christ: The Marriage of Jesus. (html)
Death: Image of Death
Death, Embraced by the Light, & Images of Death
Death & Dying
VI: Consciousness, Quantum Physics, Cosmology, Brain, Mind
Quantum Physics and the Multiplicity of Mind:
Split-Brains, Fragmented Minds, Dissociation,
Quantum Consciousness
The Neuroanatomy of Free Will
Loss of Will, Against the Will, "Alien Hand"
Origins of Thought:
Consciousness, Language, Egocentric Speech
and the Multiplicity of Mind
The Split Brain: Two Brains - Two Minds
Dreams and Hallucinations:
Lifting the Veil to Multiple Perceptual Realities
Disconnection Syndromes & the Conscious Mind <
Dissociation,PTSD, Flashbacks, Paralytic Fear
Evolution of Paleolithic Cosmology and Spiritual Consciousness: the Temporal and Frontal Lobes
Evolution of Consciousness in the Ancient Corners of the Cosmos
VII: Unconscious Mind & Defense Mechanisms
Unconscious: the Limbic System & the Unconscious
Awareness, the Origin of Thought, Resistance and Repression.
Right & Left Hemisphere & Conscious-Awareness
Right Hemisphere Unconscious Awareness
Multi-Regional Shared Symbolism: The Collective Unconscious
Language & Reality
Blind Sight
Reaction Formation: Defense Mechanism
Self-Deception, Denial, & Confabulation
Repression....Neuroanatomy of
Reaction Formation
Self Deception
The Four Ego Personalities & the Unconscious
The Unconscious Child Within
Unconscious Conflicts & the Ego Personalities
Unconscious Repetition Compulsions Between the Parent & Child Within
Repetition Compulsions & Self-Fulfilling Prophecies.
1. Origins of Life
V: Human Evolution: Language, Spirituality & Sexuality
Evolution of Sexual Consciousness: Breasts, Buttocks & the Big Brain
Hunters, Gatherers & the Evolution of Sex Differences in Consciousness
Evolution of Paleolithic Cosmology and Spiritual Consciousness: the Temporal and Frontal Lobes
The CroMagnon People
The Great Flood & Destruction of Ancient Civilizations
Multi-Regional Shared Symbolism: The Collective Unconscious
Chimps, Gorillas & the Language of Signs
The Evolution of Gesture, Handedness & Language
The Evolution of the Brain
Evolution of the Human Mind & Brain. Multi-Regional Evolution
A Summary & Over View of Brain Mind Evolution
Right & Left Hemisphere & Conscious-Awareness
Right Hemisphere Unconscious Awareness
IV. Extinction and Evolution
The History, Origins, and Causes of Mass Extinctions
Extinction, Metamorphosis, Evolutionary Apoptosis,
and Genetically Programmed Species Mass Death
XXII: War, Terror, and the Mind of Adolf Hitler
The Rape of Nanking / Movie
The Tiananmen Massacre / Movie.
Chinese Torture Atrocities / Movie
Japan, Hirohito, WWII & Asia's Stolen Treasures / Movie
Hiroshima & the Atomic Bombing of Japan / Movie
Unit 731 Japan's Secret Human Medical Experiments / Movie
Japanese War Time Atrocities / Movie
Sex Slaves - Comfort Women / Movie
Hitler's Diaries: the Semi-Auto-Biography
Hitler's Diaries: The Movie
Hitler: Mind of Adolf Hitler
1) Hitler, the Mind & God of Adolf Hitler (Part I)
2) Hitler, the Mind & God of Adolf Hitler (Part II)
3) Hitler, the Mind & God of Adolf Hitler (Part III)
Hitler - Nazi Galleries
Hitler: Was Hitler Gay? / Movie
Hitler Dancing - Hitler the Flower Child / Movie
Hitler's Rise to Power / Movie
Hitler & the Holocaust / Movie
Holocaust: Mass Murder of Jews (Images Part I)
Holocaust: Mass Murder of Jews (Images Part II)
Holocaust: Mass Murder of Jews (Images Part III)
Loose Lips Sinks Ships / Movie
Chairman Meow Mao Mao Mao / Movie
Nazi Sex Perversions
Nuclear War / Movie
XXXIII: Case Studies
1...... Homicidal HyperSexuality (Amygdala Seizures)--Mother Sexually Assaulted & Killed by Son.
Damon Wells: Son of the Devil
3...... HyperAggression (Frontal Lobe Tumor/Seizures)
.4..... PCP & Murder. Girlfriend Stabbed to Death.
5...... Charles Whitman: The Amygdala & Mass Murder <
The Unabomber: Limbic System Damage Due to Emotional Deprivation
XXIV: Love & Relationships
Love, Criticism, Sex & Abuse
Foster Care: Negative Effects on Emotional, Intellectual & Psychological Development
Love, Neglect, Incest, Physical & Sexual Abuse During Infancy & Childhood
XV: Video Lectures: Brain & Mind
Brain Mind Movies & Videos
Brain Mind Lecture 1: The Brain Overview. Language, Neglect, Denial, & the Left & Right Hemisphere
Brain Mind Lecture 2: Vision, Audition, Language, Brainstem, Thalamus, Hemispheres...
Brain Mind Lecture 3: Frontal Lobes: Broca's Aphasia, Melodic Speech, Depression, Schizophrenia, Catatonia, Mania, Frontal Lobotomy...
Brain Mind Lecture 4: The Parietal Lobes: Body Image & Body-in-Space, Phantom Limbs & Phantom Pain...
Brain Mind Lecture 5:The Temporal Lobes: Schizophrenia, Depression, Delusions, Dreams, Memory, Hallucinations, Language...
Brain Mind Lecture 6: Limbic System: Amygdala, Hippocampus, Hypothalamus, Emotion, Motivation, Memory, Hallucinations, Sex, Stress
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